Rumour has it

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Before we get into this short part

Go watch the wilds

'Of course, l have to go out of town with Olivia and share a room, like come on, isn't there rules against that?'

'I can't believe l am going out of town with Sebastian; why does this have to happen after he rejected me?'

"Ok, you guys are free to leave." The teacher announces.

As they exist the classroom in shock and pure silence, they mindlessly make their way around the corner, only to walk straight into Duke, who looks like he just got yelled at for something he didn't do, his arms crossed over his large chest, his eyebrows furred to the point where you could barely see his eyes and his left foot taping the floor with the speed of an Irish dancer.

"Are you guys dating?" Duke asked, unable to hide his rage as much as he had liked.

Now, this is a fair question on what they should have expected. So you would think they came up with a plan beforehand to make up a believable lie that did not contradict themselves in anyways, as anybody with brain cells would have done. Sadly, there was not a single brain cell between the two; a negative side effect happens when the two are a part of anything besides science. In science, they excel, Olivia does all the gross mushy stuff that Sebastian faints at the sight of, and Sebastian has enough energy to keep them up all night studying and completing whatever science assignment due at the time with little sidetracking.

"Of course not." Sebastian can get out in a believable town because they are not dating.

"Then why is the whole school saying that you guys where making out for everyone to see?" Duke asked incredulously.

"Duke, it's just stupid school rumours; everyone's bored and trying to come up with something to entertain themselves with." Sebastian defends.

Duke is not entirely convinced by what Sebastian is saying and turns to Olivia for confirmation, a sign that Sebastian is telling the truth. Sebastian notices that Duke's gaze has changed course and side eyes Olivia waiting for her to back him up. Olivia is frozen in place, unable to speak up at a very crucial time to use her voice, Sebastian picks up on this instantly, and in a panic, he doubles down on what he was said prior.

"Come on, Duke, me with Olivia, ew. She is very much not my type, plus I'm still into Yvonne, who is the exact opposite of her. Your, my boy, you know l would as so much touch Olivia, don't let silly school gossip make you question reality." Sebastian knew he was harsher than needed, but Olivia, not backing him up, sent him into overdrive.

Olivia finds her voice at that moment, trying to keep her voice stable, laced with fake casualness.

"Come on, Duke, you know l don't date high school boys, plus what does Sebastian have that l could be into? A list that is a block long of girls he has dated and left heartbroken? That is not the type of guy I'm into; l need a man."

Sebastian tries not to look at Olivia and tries not to let Duke see how upset Olivia's words have made him; l mean he's not a player. That is simply a lie he wanted the school to know, so he could get some respect from the other players and stop being bullied. He thought Olivia knew him better, saw the true him, saw Viola.

Duke is still uncertain if they are being truthful or trying to cover their asses, so he drops it for the time being but knows he has to keep a close eye on the two.

As Duke walks away, he leaves a disaster for the two teens behind him, leaving them to sit in the harsh words and emotions they are trying to suppress. 

She's the manUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum