Headcannons: Dean x Fighter Pilot!reader

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Your call sign is 'Birdie' but not because you're a pilot. You flipped off Hangman your first day at Top Gun and it just kind of stuck.

After some playful, somewhat harmless tit-for-tat pranks on Hangman, the two of you became good friends. Despite his ego.

Hangman talks you out of quitting after one particularly cruel prank he played on you. Which is when your friendship began.

Hangman: Where you going, Birdie?
Y/N: Home...
Hangman: You're gonna give up that easy?
Y/N: I'm not giving up-
Hangman: What do you call it then?
Y/N: Early retirement.
Hangman: I thought you were stronger than that. Since when do you give up, Bird? You're reckless and stubborn as hell.
Y/N: What do you care anyways?
Hangman: Why wouldn't I? We're on the same team, let's start acting like it.

So when you met Dean at the Hard Deck Bar and he made a very obvious play at you, Hangman wasn't too impressed. But only because Hangman saw you as an annoying little sister. Which was fine with you because he was like an irritating older brother.

Dean smoothes it over with him though by buying a round of drinks and letting him win a round of pool. All the while keeping his green eyes fixed on you.

Dean: Why do they call you Birdie?
Y/N: Why do you think?
Dean: Because you can fly?
Hangman: Because her first flight out, she inverted her plane just to give me the bird. *he flips that damn toothpick between his lips*
Y/N: *scratches her cheek with her middle finger directed at Hangman*

Dean falls head over heels for you instantly when you giggle and smirk at him. He's never met such a badass.

After the game of pool Dean ropes you into dancing with him. You're a terrible dancer but it's a good song, so you let him lead with his hands on your hips.

Y/N: That wasn't a date.
Dean: It was kind of a date. *he winks at you and teases his bottom lip*
Y/N: How?
Dean: We danced, made light conversation and laughed. I even got the approval of your guard dog there. *referring to Hangman*

On your actual first date, you take Dean out on a picnic and sit at the end of the runway, watching the planes at night. It's all very magical, all lit up and Dean steals a kiss from you when you open a couple of beers.

It's extremely windy though and Dean helps brush your hair from your face as you tie it back. He does not help however when the hem of your dress flies up to give him a glimpse of your lacy black panties.

You drive a street-bike, the fastest kind where you have to bend over the gas tank with your butt in the air, and challenge Dean to a race in his Baby. You beat him without breaking a sweat but only because he claimed to enjoy the view better behind you.

You try to convince him to let you bring him on a test flight in your fighter jet but he refuses stubbornly, of course.

Dean trusts you though and caves on your one month anniversary, finally letting you take him on a 'short flight' (his words). He passes out as soon as you hit the ceiling and hums Metallica the rest of time.

He kissed the ground when you landed and then you for not being cruel enough to invert the plane like Hangman told you to. You're pretty sure it would take a miracle to get him to go on another airplane... ever.

Fair is fair though and you baked Dean his favourite pie for your second month anniversary. It took a few tries, but you finally got it to perfection. You even had a slice with him despite not liking pie all that much. It wasn't bad.

It doesn't take long after that for Dean to pop the question and you move into a cute little house together. One with a big yard so you can get a dog. It's a bit of a fixer upper but you love it all the same.

Dean kisses you everyday before work and worries constantly about you. But he knows your wing-man, Hangman, will do everything in his power to keep you safe because you're his family now too.

When you get home, Dean shows you just how much he loves you and you fall asleep in each other's arms every night, just like clockwork.

Little do you know that Dean has a dangerous pastime of his own. Hunting. Which he only does when you're out of town for work.

He spends the rest of his time working at a small local auto-shop, renovating the house and playing Mr. Mom to the dog you adopted together.

Until one day you find the devil's trap painted under the carpet in the entrance of your home.

Y/N: What do you mean demons are real?
Dean: It's all real, Y/N, everything you've ever imagined lurking in the shadows- vampires, werewolves, demons, ghosts, everything...
Y/N: ...Cool.
Dean: Cool?
Y/N: Hell yeah, I can't believe you didn't tell me sooner!

When the time comes to try for a family, you decide to take a teaching position at Top Gun and Dean retires from hunting for good. Unless something supernatural threatens his family, then you best not get in his way.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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