On the third floor is the master bedroom of the couple of clouds, the study and the baby room of the babies. Now the room next to the baby room is also occupied by aunts, which is convenient for them to take care of the children at night.

The arrival of the sister flowers was welcomed by the family. Grandma was the happiest when she heard that they were coming to be assistants for Clouds.

Yunduo was so busy that she didn't deliberately lose weight. She was so busy losing herself, which was thinner than before giving birth.

"In the future, you follow Doer and help take care of her. She can't remember eating when she is busy."

"Grandma, don't worry, we will. We can cook. Sister Mei's food is very delicious. In the future, we will help my sister-in-law cook and promise to raise the fat one for her."

Grandma Xia liked Li Le's smile:

"Good boy, grandma, please. Of course, if she bullies you, you can also come and tell grandma that grandma will help you beg for justice."

"Grandma, my sister-in-law won't bully us. My sister-in-law also took us to buy clothes. You see, we are all dressed by our sister-in-law just brought us to buy."

"That's good. It's good-looking. You are young and beautiful. You should wear these festive colors."

Grandma Xia pulled Zhang Mei around with Li Le and nodded and praised.

Zhang Mei's eyes are hot. Her own grandmother has never called her a good child. She has always lost money, a cheap girl.

There has never been her room at home. She slept in the kitchen before she became a soldier. It was the kitchen during the day, and a wooden board at night was her bed.

Camp Commander Xia's family is very kind, especially his sister-in-law.

Yunduo gave them two days to familiarize themselves with the family and took time to take them to see their arms, just as she knew.

The two were ointed with raw gluten cream, and then the clouds took them into work.

Since she is an assistant or a portable assistant for her, Yunduo is patient and teaches them little from the most basic point.

The two of them studied conscientiously, worked hard, and did not learn slowly.

Whether they are smart or not, whether they are smart or not, the biggest advantage of the two is obedient.

Clouds can do whatever they arrange. They won't ask more or refute. Their obedience is engraved in their bones.

In just a few days, the whole factory knew that Yunduo had two special short-term assistants, and Xia Fei, a 'secretary' sister, was very tasty.

"Doll, my sister is also very obedient. Take her with you next time you go out."

"No, my own sister, you're leaving, who will do anything in my factory? Besides, don't you care about your Muqing?

"You're embarrassed that you run around all day long, and the couple of us were left as hard work by you. Who is the factory director?"

"Oh, is this the date? Are you two already there? They are both of them, tut.

The clouds gathered in Xia Fei's ear and asked mysteriously, with a bad expression.

"Little boy, laugh at your sister, don't you? I'm bold~!"

Xia Fei poked the cloud's nose with one hand and made a beautiful teapot.

Xia Fei and Wu Muqing still finished.

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