Chapter 211-215

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Chapter 211: Chen Meiyu was secretly arrested

"Well, do you like me to be white or black?" Xia Minghui asked hesitantly.

"I like it all, but white and tenderness affect your image as a tough guy. It's better to have black spots." Milk white milk white attracts people to think about it. What if you encounter a sex demon?

"You're right." What is he thinking? He is a soldier, not a white-faced scholar.

After eating Meihei pills, the car drove to the inner courtyard of the military region.

"Doll, what the hell is the forging? How can it hurt so much? But I feel good now and energetic and powerful.

"Didn't I tell you?"


"Then you don't know anything and agree to give you a body?"

"You won't hurt me."

He got a full score in logic, so Yunduo explained the principle of forging to Xia Minghui.

"That is to say, people with poor physique and weak willpower can't exercise."

"That's for sure. If you make a mistake, you will die. I dare not let Grandpa try."

"Then you really have confidence in me."

"Of course, I think you are much better than my brother."

"Do you have any misunderstanding about your brother?"

"Huh? What misunderstanding? No."

"Actually, your brother is very powerful. Whether it is a recruit in the same period or an elite team now, he is the most outstanding one, and his personal strength and brain are very good."

"Is the evaluation so high?"

"Of course, he is very serious about business."

"He has always been a very 'lively' image in front of his family. I can't imagine him looking serious." Maybe she really shouldn't have seen her brother with her old eyes.

"By the way, please give this note to Uncle Xi Xin for me, and I promise him."

"How can you talk?"

"These two brothers are studying western medicine. If they are really willing to go to our place, let alone say anything else, it's good to give some guidance. After all, their vision is much wider than ours. Although I don't plan to get Western medicine, their advanced ideas can still be referred to."

"Okay, make sure you complete the task."

It was already noon when he arrived at the old chief's house. Xia Minghui came in to say hello to the old chief and left in a hurry.

"Dore, what's the situation? I heard from your grandfather talk about your 'feat' last night.

The two old men sat there in line, with the same age and momentum, even similar expressions, and there was an inexplicable sense of harmony.

"Last night..." Yunduo took out two peaches from his bag and washed them to the two old men, and then sat honestly on the chair directly opposite my uncle's designation, telling everything that happened last night.

After saying that, he sighed, "So I made three games last night and did so many things!"

The two old men looked at their timid girl with a speechless face.

Then the education of two old men about granddaughters began for hours.

I honestly stayed at my uncle's house for two days and didn't go out. On the third day, Yunduo received a phone call from Zhang Huihui.

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