Chapter 129-130

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Chapter 129: Worship the Kitchen God

Yunduo can't cook. He can't make dumplings and make them in a good way. Zhu Rouxian also makes good stuffing. Unexpectedly, Zhu Hao rolls the dumplings very fast. The dumplings he made is very beautiful, and the round and fat are like an ingot.

"In the past, my brother and mother made dumplings, but they didn't let me do it. I was afraid that I would get sick. In fact, I just sat down and made dumplings like this. I also thought it was quite funny. My brother not only made dumplings, but also cooked well." Zhu Rou showed off in a soft voice.

"Then your sister-in-law has a blessing." The cloud lit a little flour on Zhu Rou's nose.

"I secretly tell you that my sister-in-law has liked to eat in my house since she was a child, and my brother has learned a lot of dishes for my sister-in-law." Zhu Rou rubbed it with the back of her hand, rubbing more and more.

"Really? I can't see it. Your brother is quite virtuous.

"Poof, hehehe."

"You can laugh gently and don't scare me." Yunduo quickly rubbed Zhu Rou's chest.

"It's okay. I've been feeling fine recently. Don't worry." Zhu Rou was busy to comfort the clouds in turn.

"Enough you two. I'm not deaf. I've heard it." Zhu Hao interrupted the two angrily.

Grandma Xia didn't interrupt. She smiled and watched several young people interact. Although her grandson is not at home for the Spring Festival this year, she can also have a lively New Year.

"Zhu Hao, I'll ask you something."

"What's the matter?"

"Can you get some fireworks? Be beautiful, don't be too loud, so as not to scare softness." It's her fault. I didn't expect it before, otherwise I would ask Brother Tie to help prepare.

"I'll look for it tomorrow."

"Grandma, how many firecrackers do we need? Let Zhu Hao bring it back together.

"Buy bigger ones. I have to go to the grave those ones."

"Okay, I'll bring it back for you tomorrow." Zhu Hao said that he also wanted to grave his mother. He was not in Beijing this year. Huihui would go for him. He was here to pay a New Year call to his mother in heaven and tell his mother about his sister. His sister's illness has improved. Their brothers and sisters are fine now, and he and Huihui are also very good.

After dinner, the stove began.

Grandma Xia directed the cloud Zhu Hao to hang the skylight to put the table for sugar melon sugar cake water grass beans on the table. The sugar on the table was sweet for the Kitchen God, so that the Kitchen God could say more good words, and the water grass beans were for the horses riding in the Kitchen God.

Worshipping the Kitchen God is a man's business. Traditionally, women should avoid it. Grandma Xia and Yunduo Zhu Rou went into the room and asked Zhu Hao to worship the Kitchen God for their Xia family. In previous years, Xia Minghui worshipped him at home. When she was not at home, Grandma Xia worshipped the room by herself.

Believe it or not, life should have a sense of ritual. People inside and outside the house follow Grandma Xia to pray devoutly, burning the statue of the Kitchen King, the Kitchen Horse and the money, grain and forage, and taking a few pieces of sugar into the surrounding stove one by one.

Grandma Xia took another small firecracker to light it and sent the Kitchen God to the sky to celebrate the arrival of the New Year.

This ceremony of worshipping the Kitchen God is completed.

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