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Castiel entered the rap bar when suddenly his biggest idol the lawyer SAUL GOODMAN WAS THERE! 😱😱😱 He goes up and holds out his hand when Saul's eyes lock on Castiel's with pure lust, smirking.
"Hello there, sunny boy. You need someone to call?"
"Yes." Cas blushed, his dick hard and soft both.
Dean was jealous. 😡😡 How dare Saul Goodman steal his wife-husband. Wifeband. Husife. He walked up to Castiel.
"IT'S OVER!1!1!1!"
"Okay because Saul is hot ;)"
"Yes I am bbg." Saul flexed at Castiel before bending him over in the bathroom and thrusting aggressively. Baller walked in.
"Baller." Said Baller.
"Balls." Replied Saul, toes out cutely.
Saul and Castiel were very hot for eachother, but Saul now had a new victim..

Saul becomes a papa {Crack fic}Where stories live. Discover now