Chapter Eighteen

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After finding the device, we couldn't find Oliver. Luckily, he keeps a tracked in her boot that Felicity was able to track. It led us to a warehouse. We scanned the floors, finding Oliver hanging from chains passed out. "Keep an eye out." I whispered to John, putting my gun away. Oliver was in just pants, giving me full sight of his tattoo and many scars. I lightly smacked his cheek, waking Oliver up. "Wakey, wakey." I said watching his eyes flutter open. "Look at you taking my advice. It's filling me with pride."

John put his gun away helping me take Oliver down and holding him as he stumbled. "Felicity's at Queen Consolidated. She's still going through the data she pulled off Merlyn's network." John said.

"Did she find anything?" Oliver asked and I was guard while John helped him walk out of the warehouse.

"Yeah, the design schematics of the earthquake generator. So we can shut it down. Assuming we find it in time."

We made it to the van. John had to drive because Oliver was complaining at even the idea of it. My phone started ringing and I pulled it out to see Felicity's name. "Did you find him?" Felicity asked just as I answered the phone.

"Yeah, Felicity, we got him." I said.

"Thank God. Is he ok?"

I looked at Oliver sitting in the front set of the van. He turned his head towards me as I was staring at him. "I've seen worse, but he could be better. So, I'm going with mostly."

"Ok. I'm on my way."

I hung up the phone and Oliver was still giving me a look. "What?" I asked and he just shook his head, looking away from me. "Wow, someone tortures you and you get all sensitive." I tried to keep that under my breath, but I doubt they didn't hear me.

We made it back to the basement and Felicity wasn't there yet. Something about that wasn't right. "Felicity should be here by now." I stated, walking over to sit in one of the chairs by the computer. "How are we supposed to find the device and find Malcolm, who we have to hope doesn't spill your secrets."

"We're going to need help." Oliver said, pulling out his phone.

"Who are you calling?" John asked.

"Hello, Detective.....I don't have a sidekick. When I need help, I call you. Malcolm Merlyn plans to level the Glades with a manmade earthquake using technology from Unidac Industries.....I don't know what Merlyn's timetable is, so you need to evacuate the Glades immediately. Get as many people to safety as you can. Whatever you think of me, Detective, please...believe this." Oliver hung up the phone.

"Well, we know where Felicity is." I stated as if that was a helpful observation.

Oliver went to talk to his mother one more time to try and stop this while Diggle and I waited for Felicity. We were looking at the map of the old subway paths. Then an angry Russian voice came through my head and the entire path changed. Different pictures outlined each other. Words bolding around them like a pathway of connections. "Oh my God!" I yelled.

"What?" John asked.

"I know how to narrow where the device is going to be." I said.

"What do you got?" I heard Felicity ask and I quickly moved to the empty chair next to me to get her where I needed her to be. With her fast on the keyboard I was able to walk her through the things I needed her to look up to make sure I was right.

After a while, we heard someone, who had to be Oliver, make his way downstairs. I could tell by his face that talking to his mother didn't go well. I was standing by now because I might have jumped up yelling 'Yes!' when we realized how right I was. "The Undertaking is happening tonight." Oliver stated.

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