Chapter Seventeen

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We all sat in the basement not any closer to finding the truth about the Undertaking. I would say leave, but for some reason the words aren't coming out of my mouth. "I've been watching your mother for days now, Oliver, and nothing." John said. "She goes to work, she comes home. Occasionally she goes out for dinner. She seems to particularly like the salmon tartar at table salt."

"I love salmon tartar." I said more to myself, but that didn't stop them from giving me a look. "Not the point, I see that."

"I'm linked into her home and office phone." Felicity said. "Nothing out of the ordinary. No mention of Walter's abduction or the Undertaking. Just a few innocuous calls to Malcolm Merlyn."

"Why wouldn't she call him? They're old friends. We're all old friends."

Felicity sighed, looking at Oliver. "Are you okay?"

"My mom and my best friend's dad are involved in a conspiracy that may have dire consequences for the city. And I'm pretty sure they murdered my father. I'm not planning on using the word okay again any time soon."

"Listen, all we know for sure is that Malcolm and your mother are planning something for the Glades." I stated to say. "And that Walter and Felicity were getting too close to it, that's why they had him kidnapped. But we have no idea what the undertaking is and we can't stop it if we don't know anything about it. It's not like we can search the glades the night of the undertaking."

"I got to ask her." Oliver said.

"Well, no." Felicity stated. "The last time the Vigilante paid your mom a visit, you got shot, and I got to play doctor with you." Felicity flinched at her own words before looking at me. "Why does my brain thinks of the worst way to say things?" Felicity sighed and I just patted her back.

"This time it'll just be me asking. Friendly mother-son chat." He looked over at John. "Until the vigilante shows up."

"You do realize, to make this real, he's going to have to hurt you." I stated and John smiled at me.

"I'll pull my punches." John said, shrugging his shoulders.

"I'm so jealous." I slightly mumbled, walking over to sit at the table. All Felicity and I had to do was wait for them to come back. I don't like waiting.

By the time they both got back, Oliver did not look good. From the bruises, cuts, and the depression coming off him. I tried not to show in my face how bad he looked, but I don't think I was doing a very good job. "Oh, you do not look good." I said, completely rejecting my 'trying not to let him know how bad he looks' idea.

"You said you were going to pull your punches." Felicity said, making the same face I was.

John smirked as Oliver sat down on one of the stools. "I did."

"Let me get you an icepack for..." I just motioned towards his face. "Everything."

"I'm fine." Oliver said to me, not that I'm believing it. He looked over at Felicity. "I need you to dig up everything you can on Unidac Industries."

"Well, we know Queen Consolidated acquired them seven months ago. That's when we met." Felicity said, walking towards her computer.

"I need information about what I don't know." Oliver stated. He looked over at me, probably because I was still staring. I mean, I know he was tied to a chair, but he could at least fight a little bit. Instead of pointing that out, I pressed my lips together, looking back over at Felicity.

"Unidac is a small research and development technology company that specializes in seismic infringement. Merlyn plans on leveling the Glades with a device that triggers a manmade earthquake." Felicity said, looking back at us. I wasn't surprised because she had already told me while they were gone.

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