I walked down the stairs and walked straight down the wide hallway. On the sides of the hallway were prison cells. I walked to the far right corner to where Jack was. We had taken the blindfold off him two days ago. I took the keys off of my belt and opened his cell. I walked in and locked the door behind me.

"Max?!" Jack exclaimed, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"My dad rescued me from the lab." I answered.

"You can talk?!" Jack gasped.

"Of course I can talk!" I laughed. "I was only faking not being able to talk!"

"Well now that you're here, can you free me?" Jack asked.

I laughed. "Free you? Ha! Why would I do that?"

"Because I'm your friend." Jack answered.

"Oh I forgot to tell you, I was faking that too." I smiled.

"How can you?" Jack gasped, getting up and going as close to me as he could.

"It was easy actually." I shrugged.

Jack shook his head, walking to the back of his cell and sitting down. "I don't know why you would though."

"I did it so that you guys won't get suspect anything."

"That does make sense."

"Now that I know you are okay, I'm going to go." I said, unlocking the cage door to leave.

"Can you get me food?" Jack asked.

"You only get your afternoon meal." I answered. I then left once the cage was locked.

I walked across the hall and up the stairs. I told my dad where I was going before going out the front door. I locked it behind me before walking down the walkway, down the driveway, then on the side walk. My house was in a small neighborhood near an elementary school. No other house had a basement but mine. That was because my dad had a job like no other person that lived here. He was working for someone over seas. His job was to get people like my friends and ship them off to his boss. We didn't know why his boss needed them but we didn't ask.

I walked to the right to the three way intersection. I turned left and walked a couple houses down the street to a tan two story house. I walked to the door and rang the doorbell. A redhead woman with green eyes and tan skin answered the door.

"Oh hello Max! Where have you been? What happened to your limbs? Come in, come in." She greeted, stepping aside to let me in.

"Hi Mrs. Parker." I said back, walking inside. Her house layout was similar to mine but everything was on the opposite side.

"Are you hungry? I just made muffins." Mrs. Parker -who's name is Maria- offered.

"No thanks. My dad made pancakes." I answered.

"That was nice of him." She commented. "Have a seat at the table, I'll go get Jason for you."

"Okay." I nodded. While I went to sit at their smaller table with wooden chairs that were cushioned, she went upstairs calling for her son.

"Hi Max. You haven't been here in a while. What happened?" Jason's dad asked, looking me over.

"I'll tell you when Jason gets here." I answered.

"Okay." He acknowledged. Jason came down a sending later. He wasn't the quietest when he is walking downstairs.

"Hi Max! Where have you been?" Jason questioned, grabbing a chocolate chip muffin off the plate of muffins at the center of the table. He sat to my left and his mom sat to my right.

"It's a long story." I started. I then explained the whole thing, starting from when the scientists blew up the side of the lunchroom at school.

"Then I came here and here we are." I finished. No one said a word for a whole minute.

"Basically, you were kidnapped by scientists, experimented on, and then rescued by your dad which had taken another person who was experimented on?" Jason clarified.

"Exactly." I answered.

"Wow. How do you like your...Limbs?" Maria asked.

"There not bad." I answered. "I can spin my hands fully around and bend my legs in ways that you guys can't so there's a plus."

"Yea. But can you use a smartphone?" Jason questioned.

"Yup." I answered.

"Cool." He smiled. "Want to play some video games?"

"Sure." I smiled, getting up. We then walked upstairs into his room.

His room was slightly bigger than mine. He had the same arrangement as my room in the lab but he had a TV where my dresser is in my house with my dad and a tv stand below it. On the stand was an X-Box one and on the shelves below the stand were games and movies. We got on the X-Box and played a couple shooting games.

I stayed at Jason's house until late that evening and then went home. My dad had cooked steak for dinner. After dinner, we watched tv until 11:30. We then went to bed.

Unit 15Where stories live. Discover now