The New Normal

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Weeks had gone by since Y/n died, and since then, the police had been investigating her passing. Of course, the ghosts never found out the reasons they suspected she died. After a while, they stopped investigating and the ghosts were left in the dark on the entire case.

Y/n had developed close friendships with Isaac, Trevor, and Alberta than she did with the others. Isaac was like her conscience, helping her through tough situations, and he was always there to talk if she needed it. Alberta was like the best friend she never knew she needed and was wise in ways Y/n wasn't, and always gave the best advice. And Trevor was her better half, and of course, seemed to have an affect on Y/n most people didn't. In a way, she preferred him over everyone else, though she wasn't exactly sure why. Her thoughts were all out of wack due to being... well... dead.

A few years later, the owner of the house lay on her deathbed. Every ghost stood around, watching, waiting to see if the elderly woman would join them or move on. Sophia Woodstone wheezed ever so often, that being the only noise that filled the room for the longest time.

"It won't be long now," announced Trevor, watching the woman's face with a slight frown.

"At least she's comfortable," added Alberta, nodding her head slowly in respect.

Pointing to his neck, more specifically the arrow, Pete continued. "There's definitely worse ways to go." He let out a soft laugh that seemed almost out of nervousness.

"Mm, amen," chuckled Alberta, and the others agreed.

"Dysentery was no party."

"I wouldn't think so, Isaac," said Y/n from beside Trevor.

"Shh," whispered Sasappis, holding his hand out. "I think it is happening."

"Ah, I should sing something to ease her transition!" Alberta exclaimed.

"Or perhaps don't make this all about you," Hetty snapped slightly.

Alberta ignored her and proceeded to sing. "Amazing grace. How sweet the sound."

A white glow soon left the old woman's body and floated in midair. The glow soon formed into her and she looked around the room. "Who are you?"

"I am the ghost of your great-great-grandmother, Hetty Woodstone," answered Hetty.

"Hi, I'm Flower. I wandered over to your property from a music festival in the sixties, and then I tried to befriend a bear. Drugs were involved."

"Great way to ease her nerves, Flower," Y/n smiled smugly.

"I am Thorfinn," said the viking loudly. "Uh... I like herring..."

"She doesn't need the whole roster," announced Isaac. "We are ghosts. While most spirits pass on to the afterlife, we are the unfortunate few cursed to spend eternity..." The woman groaned as her ghost disappeared into the ceiling, clearly passing on into the afterlife. "Oh, and she's gone." The rest of the ghosts made noises of disappointment.

"Oh, good for her," Pete smiled.

"So unfair," hollered Thorfinn. "She goes up, we stay here. In Odin's name, why?"

"Thorfinn, you're great, but lower the volume please!" Y/n stated, covering her ears.

"Yeah, it's a real drag," Crash noted.

"Now what's going to happen to this house?"

Y/n started to walk towards the door. "Hopefully someone will take over the house that is actually interesting."

"Are you calling my great-great-granddaughter boring?"

Y/n paused in the doorway and drew her lips into a thin line. "Yeah, it is."

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