36. Aquarium at Union Station

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Ginger woke up in her bed not remembering how she got there.

Those drinks were lightweight, or so she thought. She was a heavy drinker since she was sixteen, and she knew how to handle her alcohol. Maybe because she spent the whole day walking around the Magic House with two very energetic twins was the extraness that wiped her out.

She got out of bed, rubbed her eyes, stretched, and realized she still had her wig on, no bonnet. Her hair was a mess. Even so, now she was thirsty and hungry, so she walked out of her room to a very dark and quiet house.

She went back to her room and grabbed her phone to see what time it was. A little after nine and everyone was asleep? She could see the twins, but her mother and David too? That was wild. At least now she had the kitchen to herself to find something to eat.

When she made it into the kitchen, DJ was there, standing over the counter, looking down as if he was meditating or something.

"You okay?"

She must have startled him because he jumped before he turned to her.

"Hey," he solemnly said. "I should be asking if you're okay."

"Tired. " She walked over to him and touched his back. "Why are you still here?"

He frowned, looked her up and down, and pulled her in his arms.

"I was worried about you. Your mom was mad at me because she blamed me for getting you wasted."

"What? You didn't do anything. I'm a grown woman."

"I know." He kissed her forehead. "But I still should not have let you drink that much. That's on me. I'm sorry."

Why did she feel so safe in his arms, even though he was not the one that did anything to her? She wanted to stay there in his arms all night.

"I saved you some dinner. I'll warm it up for you," he said, finally pulling away and walking to the stove. "I couldn't leave till I knew you were okay. I figured you would be hungry when you woke up."

"My mom and your dad are already asleep? This early?"

"Yes. Mom...your mom has to be at work early and my father, well, he's going to have bedtime with her, that's the way he is." DJ microwaved her plate of food as he talked. "They wanted me to stay the night so I wouldn't have to come over so early and watch the twins. I'll sleep downstairs."

"Nonsense! Sleep in my room."

"You know I can't" He handed her the plate of warmed food. "Although I want to."

"Then I will sleep downstairs with you. Come on, let's go."

They headed downstairs and Ginger at the baked chicken, rice, and broccoli, washing it down with water. She was super hungry and thirsty and it hit the spot. DJ turned on their favorite TV show and they watched and laughed.

When she finished her food, she scooted over to sit right next to DJ on the stadium-style recliner seats.

"How exactly are we going to sleep down here? There is no couch just these seats."

"Recline it back as far as it goes, get a pillow and a blanket." He kissed her. "But you know you can't sleep cuddled up next to me. If our parents come down and see us-"

"Okay, okay, just some cuddles and kisses, and then I will move to my side. Is that okay?"

"Yeah." He kissed her. "You're really special, you know that Ginger?"

"I am?"

"It's like I've known you longer than I have. These last days, weeks, I'm glad I'm getting to know the real you and not the one portrayed on tv."

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