37. Science Center

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Ginger looked forward to the next day's activity that DJ planned. The St. Louis Science Center.

She had been there before, during a school field trip. Not that she remembered much of it. She was maybe six or seven.

She woke up early, took a long shower, then dressed in all black, did full make-up, and installed a bright red, long-haired wig. All of that took about two hours. By the time she left her room, her mother was finishing breakfast.

"You look cute today," her mother said to her. She walked over, hugged her, and then kissed her forehead. "You should meet a nice guy and make me a grandmother."

She pulled away from her mother so fast.

"That was not cool to say!" She was upset and did not know why. It was like she was telling her how to live her life. Get married, and have babies. Was that the goal of every woman in the world? Hell no!

"I'm sorry sweetheart...if I offended you. If you prefer girls and don't want any kids, that's fine too."

"And now I'm gay because I don't dream of a happily ever after with a man?"

She left the kitchen and went into the living room to sit and cool her anger. The twins ran down the stairs, and instead of going into the kitchen, they ran in after her. Dara climbed on her lap and Darrell grabbed the remote control.

"What are we watching?" Darrell asked.

"Cartoons!" Dara yelled out.

"Sonic!" Darrell stated.

Dara turned around to touch her bright red hair. "I want hair like this. This is my favorite color."

"Me too!" added Darrell.

Why did these two little monsters make her forget why she was upset? She hugged Dara to her.

"When you're bigger, you can have all the colors of hair you want."

"Me too?" Darrell asked.

"Yes! Be whoever you want to be. Don't let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do with your hair." She thought of Ms. Pamela trying to force her to wear her natural hair, and shaving it all off in defiance because she wanted to wear wigs.

Never was she one that let people put her in a box. She always did things her way, even when she was wrong. She learned from making mistakes. Spitfire was a mistake. Not choosing Craig was a mistake. Wasting her time with Tempo was a mistake.

Was DJ a mistake as well?

"Food is ready." Her mother walked into the living room.

The twins jumped up and ran into the kitchen, but her mother stood there watching her.

"I'm sorry if I said anything to upset you. I'm trying to get to know you, know what you like, your dreams and hopes. I know this won't happen overnight, but you're my child, and I missed so much...I missed raising you. Excuse my language, but I'm going to fuck up sometimes."

She stood up and walked to her mother.

"I'm not upset with you, Mom, just that...I don't have a great track record when it comes to men, relationships, and all of that."

Her mother put her arm around her. "Well hell! Neither do I. Neither do most women and especially men. All I want is for you to be happy. With whomever, however. If that is you single for life, doing things all on your own, that's fine too."

Single for life. She had not thought about how she wanted to live the rest of her life. She usually felt like, she could do bad by herself. She did not need anyone else. Other times, she felt lonely and wished she had someone she could share all things with.

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