Epilogue, The Final Fight

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Filip's POV.
Rambo was up.. And he looked pissed
"You thought you could get away? Well, you thought wrong." Rambo cackled. I gulped. I knew what he wanted. I decided to retaliate.

"You killed him!" I cried.

"Oh, poor thing! It's not like he didn't deserve it anyway." Rambo snickered. I clenched my hand into a fist.

"How dare you say that!! He gave himself to save all of us! He gave himself to help me defeat you!" I muttered.

"You think you'll win? Ha! Fool! You'll never beat me!" Rambo cackled.

"You have nothing to kill me with!" I cried, hugging Zala.

"I have the power to do anything I put my mind to, Filip." Rambo chuckled.

"Just leave us alone!" Zala cried out in tears.

"It's not going to be that easy..." Rambo muttered. "You're going to have to fight your way through!"

"With pleasure!" I scoffed.

"Fičo, no! It's too dangerous!" Zala raised her voice.

"Zala. You have to trust me. You and the others need to save Ronnie and everyone else. I'm the only one here with the ability to fight Rambo." I whispered. Zala looked at me. I knew she was nervous. She didn't want to lose me, and I don't want to lose her. Not after almost losing her last time.

"Fičo... Please be careful." She trembled. I pulled her into a hug.

"I will. I promise."

I pulled away. She ran over towards Mahmood, Amanda, and Achille. I turned to face Rambo.

"You stand no chance, Filip!" Rambo snickered.

"I stand more of a chance than you think!" I responded.

"Oh, you think so?" Rambo questioned rhetorically. I knew I had to think of a way to put an end to Rambo's plan, but how?

"Mahmood! Go over to the wall. Try to get Blanco to place his hand on the scanner." I cried. Mahmood nodded and ran the opposite direction towards the wall that separated us and the fallen.

"This one's between you and me!" I muttered.

"Well then. Let's finish this." Rambo cackled.

From here, I wasn't thinking about anything except for fighting Rambo. I wasn't giving up on Ronnie, I wasn't giving up on Zala, I wasn't giving up on the people who still need saving...

"FIČO! WATCH OUT!" Zala cried from a distance. I ducked. I heard something fly above my head. I turned around to see what I just dodged... It was a hand grenade!

I gasped as it exploded. I turned around to see if anyone behind me was harmed. To my relief, they weren't. However, the explosion caused the pillars around us to start shaking.

"Is that the best you got?" I gasped. That's when one of the pillars fell, blocking the only way to get to Zala and the others.

"FIČO?!!" I heard Zala cry my name.

"Zala!" I cried, I tried to climb over the fallen pillar, but more pillars came falling one after another! I was trapped here with Rambo. There was only one thing left to do...

I ran towards the pillar, grabbed a rock, and began sharpening it. As I was doing so, Rambo slowly walked closer to me. I kept on sharpening. Sweat began to drip from my forehead, my hand was shaking violently as I forcefully rubbed the rocks together to sharpen them.

"Hahaha. This is adorable. You do realize that you'll never beat me!" Rambo chuckled. Once I got the rock sharpened enough, I turned to face Rambo. I hid the sharpened rock behind my back.

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