"You know this changes everything. Like what does that mean, he wants to kiss you? Because initially he thought it was you and he went ahead with it"

"I don't know... quite frankly I just want to forget last night even happened" Kate nodded then looked at tobey

"Tobey you're awfully quiet what do you know that we dont"

"Nothing" he said avoiding eye contact with Kate

"Oh come on tobey quit hiding and tell us" Kate pestered tobey

"I'm not ratting Leo out... Kenna can ask him herself" tobey said focusing his attention to me. Kate raised an eyebrow curious on the piece of information that tobey was holding back

I wasn't going to ask Leo, I don't think I even wanted to know. It was just typical that out of all nights I had to remember last night.

It was now 6am and by now I was hugging the toilet bowl. I'm way too sick to be hopping on a plane. I groaned. Tobey ended up going home, leaving Kate in the bathroom to help hold my hair up

"To think you're supposed to be in a plane in 2 hours" Kate said turning away as I reached again. I sat in the floor with my head resting on my knees.

"I don't know how I'm going to survive this. I'm lucky I won't be seeing my dad until I get there." Kate giggled until Leo showed up at the door causing her to stop and scoff.

"I'm going to leave you guys to it" Kate whispered and giving me a right hug

"I'll message you when we land" she nodded and started to head out "oh and Kate... it's so good to see you again" I faintly smiled, her returning the gesture and then facing Leo as she walked out. She gave him I slight push

"You and I have a lot to talk about" she said with a hint of annoyance then left.

I looked up at Leo with a wash of confusion across his face.

"What was that about?" He questioned me. The thought of last night ran across my mind causing me to be sick

"Oh my god" as I leaned over the toilet

"McKenna! How much did you drink last night" he said as he rushed to hold my hair back

"Not as much as you clearly" I mumbled as I wiped my lips back. Leo just scrunched his face up

"What do you not remember?" I spat out causing him to shake his head

"Of course, and here I am suffering from a major hangover and the memories of last night.... Why lord why me" I whinged. Leo held out his hand and I grabbed it so he could bring me up. I was so dizzy that I stumbled a little bit. Leo still stood there with a questionable expression. He had huge eye bags under his eyes but that's about it. Unfair!

I walked out of the ensuite bathroom and to my wardrobe to pick out my clothes for the flight. Leo following me

"Yes Leonardo?" I said as I stood there with a pile of clothes in my arms

"What happened last night?" I rolled my eyes and walked passed him to go back into the bathroom. I needed to shower and badly

He followed me in like a lost puppy.

"Please tell me what happened"

"No Leo, now leave we need to get ready, we have to leave in about 30minutes" he nodded and walked out causing me to sigh and shut the door. Due to my hangover it took me 20 minutes to have a basic shower. I didn't feel any better from it too. I popped on my black parachute pants and a white cropped T-shirt, then tied my black oversized sweater around my shoulders.

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