24~ Uninvited

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By the time the rest of the class arrived, it was well past lunch. The sun was started to set as they came hobbling through the tree lining, all tired and weak from the over usage of their quirks. Some even fell to the ground as they held their sore muscles.

Y/n stood next to Kota, who she had won over. When they first were introduced, he was aggressive and distant. But the past few hours of bonding won him over.

Mandalay wasn't sure how Y/n was able to do it, and neither was she. She just treated him like how she had with Nori; tough love was her specialty.

When Midoriya went to introduce himself to Kota, he punched him in his genitals. Y/n laughed, but scolded Kota as she followed after him.

"Kota, you remind me sorta like one of my old friends. He had the same attitude as you, but he was a little better at controlling it." Y/n laughed, resting her hand on Kota's hat as they walked inside the building.

"Was?" Kota mumbled, flustered from the affection. Y/n nodded softly, reminding herself of what happened two months ago.

"Yeah. Im afraid Nori is no longer here with us." Y/n explained, pulling her phone out and turning it on to show the lock screen, "heres a photo of me and him in our onesies, which he was obsessed with."

"Oh. Im sorry." Kota said, looking at how happy Y/n was in the picture. Now she no longer seemed to have the spark of life in her eyes.

"Well, its not your fault so you have nothing to be sorry about. Now lets go get some dinner!" Y/n hummed, walking away with the small child following behind her.


The next day, the class started their training. In the past when Akito helped train Y/n, he almost never pushed her too far past her limits. He hated seeing her in pain, and whenever she got drawbacks, he stopped and made sure she was alright. But because Akito wasn't there to stop her, she was able to go further than before.

For the first day Y/n worked on her telekinesis, which out of her two quirks, had the worst drawbacks.

She used her hands to lift extremely heavy objects using her mind, which was going good until Aizawa added more weight. She struggled to lift it, and eventually she had blood running down her upper lip and her hands were shaky.

"Ah, shit!" Y/n groaned out as she dropped the weights, clutching her now numb right hand tightly. She hopped around a little, shaking her hand as she tried to get the feeling back. "Stupid hand..." Y/n muttered, wiping her lip with her left hand as she continued using her mind to lift the weights.

After a while Y/n switched hands, allowing her right hand a break as she tried to regain feeling in it.

"Okay L/n now lets see you just use your head! Keep your hands to your sides!" Mandalay said, and Y/n nodded.

Y/n dropped her hands to her side, using just head mind to lift the weights as high as she could.

"Nice job! Im sure you can go higher though!" Mandalay shouted, crossing her arms. Y/n could already feel a strong headache forming, but it wasn't from the training...

At the end of the day, the class was instructed to create their own curry from scratch. They were given ingredients, but no instructions.

Iida gave everyone respectable jobs, making sure everyone was doing something. Y/n joined Bakugo in cutting vegetables, as the two were the fastest. He seemed to turn it into a competition though.

Once everything was cooked and served, Y/n sat down beside Shoto and dropped her head onto the table. Ever since training she has had a nasty headache, like someone was carving into her brain.

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