23~ Burns

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The tension in the classroom was thick as the last day of written exams were coming to an end. Y/n had breezed through it, but she couldn't say the same about some of her classmates.

"Alright pencils down. Last person in each row collect the sheets and bring them up." Aizawa said, and Y/n stood up. She collected everyones papers and handed them to Aizawa.

"Thanks so much for your help!" Mina said suddenly to Y/n as she was walking back to her seat, scaring her.

"I didn't leave anything blank, at least!" Denki smiled with a thumbs up, and Y/n just laughed.

"You're welcome, I suppose. But you were the ones who put in the effort and concentration to study in the first place, so im sure you did great." Y/n said, sitting back down.

The students were then given their hero costumes and sent to the change rooms to get ready, before going to central plaza to do their practical exams.

All of the UA teachers stood in front of the students, who were slightly confused why all of the teachers were there in the first place.

"Now then. Lets begin the last test. Remember its possible to fail this final. If you wanna go to camp, then don't make any stupid mistakes." Aizawa said, hinting at a few of the students.

"Uh. Why are all the teachers here?"

"I expect many of you have gathered information and believe you have some idea of what you'll be faced with today."

"We're fightin' those big ol' metal robots!" Denki cheered, and Mina danced beside him.

"Fireworks! S'mores! Here we come, camp!" She fist pumped, making Y/n shake her head.

"Actually, this years tests..." Nezu said, popping out from Aizawa's scarf, "will be completely different for, various reasons." He slid down on one of the strands, "the tests now have a new focus. There will be hero work, of course. But also teamwork and combat between actual people. So what does that mean for you? You students will be working together in pairs and your opponents sill be one of our esteemed UA teachers! Isn't that fabulous?!"

The class froze up, shocked at the news. Y/n held in her laughs, entertained at the thoughts of her classmates battling the teachers.

"Additionally your partners and opponents have already been chosen. They were determined at my discretion based on various factors, including fighting style, grades, and interpersonal relationships. First, Yaoyorozu Todoroki and L/n are a team. Against me. Then we have Midoriya paired with Bakugo. And their opponent is..."

Just then someone came flying out of the sky, landing in front of the group.

"I am here to fight!" All Might said, shocking not only the boys, but the whole class. "You're going to have to work together, boys, if you want to win."

"Well this should be interesting." Y/n hummed, now intrigued.


"It's our turn, lets go." Shoto said, and Y/n nodded. Momo seemed to be hesitant about something, and Shoto noticed. "Don't worry, i have a plan."

The buzzer went off, and the group started running.

"Yaoyorozu i want you to keep making small objects. When you stop being able to, it means Mr Aizawa is close by." Shoto said, and she nodded. She began creating small nesting dolls, stuffing them in her belt.

"I'll take the high ground." Y/n said, turning invisible as she floated up. She carefully looked around, making sure not to make any noises or touch anything to give away her spot.

Ghost. || My Hero Academiaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें