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Everyone's doing this thing where they draw themselves as a cat or smth, with like the hair colour and stuff....

I wanted to do it but I already have. Like ages ago-

The ferret pfp :33

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The ferret pfp :33

The main colour is my skin colour and the markings are my hair (It's the darker colour then it fades to the lighter colour, but it ain't that pretty or obvious irl)

the nose and everything is the blush colour and the eyes are that colour... sometimes. They're hazel so they kinda have colour moodswings.

I do have freckles kinda but you can't rlly see em so I don't draw them on myself

I do have freckles kinda but you can't rlly see em so I don't draw them on myself

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and that's one of the many pictures I've drawn of myself

heh this was just an excuse to repost-

actual new stuff next chapter

Hey maybe it'll be better than the first • ART BOOK TWOWhere stories live. Discover now