I messed up

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The red-haired woman bragged towards me in her grey suit, her walking stick beat rhythmically to the rhythm of her rapid steps on the floor. The sound echoed in my ears and I swallowed as Lesso approached with every second.

"You!" she spat and I sought cover behind one of the guards. She was obviously angry and, as I was annoyed to admit, not wrongly. I had not done my job properly, and I might have kept a detail from the dean about the new mixed class "Attack and Defense" – namely, that I had invited one of the readers to train in the advanced class. With me as personal supervisor. What can I say? It's gone terribly wrong. The poor boy was now trapped in the infirmary, suffering a nasty sting spell that had made his whole face swell.

Still, there's no reason for Lesso to rudely push me against the wall. Outraged, I glanced at the guard who had abandoned me, but the werewolf only growled and blew his teeth. I was on my own. And as much as I admired the dean, she scared me more than any other villain in this goddamn school.
I fought back the urge to roll my eyes and prepared myself internally for the inevitable confrontation.

"Lesso", I said, (hopefully) not showing any sign of my fear. She was like a bloodhound and if she noticed the slight trembling of my hands, it would be over with me for good.

She raised her eyebrows, her flawless pale skin folded into furrows, and I became quite afraid. She looked beautiful, but she'd give me a short trial, I knew that. Well, I preferred going down with my head up then.

"Y/N", she choked out as if suppressing nausea. She curled her lips and pushed me against the wall again with her pointed cane. "Why", she began, emphasizing every word as if I was in for being sentenced to death, "are you choosing a student for special treatment behind my back? A reader, too!" Her voice took on a sharp note and I was slowly understanding the extent of her anger.

Still, I didn't want to give in. I respected the dean, but I also respected myself – at least that's what I told myself, trying not to cower in fear in front of the mighty woman. Bad enough that I was still new to this strange school and had only recently taken over the lessons for my former master. Worse even, that Lesso was after me from the start. Constant teasing whenever we ran into each other. I thought she'd hate me and fire me at the first opportunity, but obviously the villain was too fond of badging me.

Honestly, I wasn't flattered. But maybe this time I had crossed a line. Although, in my defence, I just wanted to give the reader a little help, which, as we all know now, went wrong, but was done with the best of intentions.

"I don't know what you mean by 'special treatment', Lesso. " I really should have skipped this pathetic try to keep my pride I repented my words almost immediately in view of her anger. She inhaled sharply and I started praying.

"Anyway, it wasn't a pleasant treatment", she then commented, and an arrogant grin spread across her face, which in her case was how she normally looked like. So I didn't allow myself to be careless – because Lesso loved her power as much as the fear of her counterpart whenever she had the chance to intimidate someone – but I still found hope. She was the dean of evil. I was sure she must have been amused by the incident at least somewhat, right?

My hope collapsed when she came one step closer and shut the already small gap between the two of us. I would have liked to step back, but the stone wall behind me unfortunately prevented that. The cold rock pressed against my back. However, it couldn't stop the rising heat inside of me.

Lesso raised her cane once more and drove down my cheek with the curved end. I had to look like a rabbit in front of the snake, eyes wide open and breath held, and that was my fatal mistake. Lesso (must I mention again that she is the Dean of Evil?) was flourishing given my defensive position.

Not that she wouldn't be just as bold all the time, pushing me back whenever she could, but this time something was different. She didn't seem to bother my "coloured, pitifully pink" cheeks at all, nor did she give any remark that I smelled of "flowers" or other snideness because I had too many "princess genes" in me. Which was not true, by the way, but as an outsider my parents had been quite ordinary people and therefore neither pure heroes nor villains. Sometimes I thought Lesso would like me more if I smelled and had scabies like most of the villain's kids around here.

But no, this time it felt different. I tried not to show any reaction, but to have someone so close to my face was certainly never a nice experience – although it could have hit me worse, so I didn't even try to fake anything. Lesso was indeed a very beautiful woman with her unusually symmetrical and pretty face for a villain, her voluminous hair and her damn smug smile that drove me crazy.

But when that grin suddenly got wider, I actually feared for my life. This school here didn't take care of its staff or students as decent as it should and well besides unpaid overtime I should probably be worried about the lack of insurance. I knew, for example, that Lady Lesso had a so-called "doom room" and I shuddered at the idea of what she could do to me there. The treacherous thought that my trembling might come from something other than my fear, I tried to banish with all my might.

Finally, finally (!) Lesso stepped back and set me free.

"Y/N, I'm afraid you really screwed up here", she muttered. I became tense as she began to circle me with slow, heavy steps, her cane tactfully slamming down onto her open palm. It took me all pride I had left not to turn or shake, but I knew I was only a hair's breadth away from falling on my knees and begging for forgiveness. Maybe I was dramatizing, but it was unbelievable what effect this woman had on me.

She knew, of course. Unfortunately, I had only become aware of this later, although in the end it would not have changed anything.

"I will overlook your mistake this time", she continued, and I could hardly believe my ears. "For your action speaks, as much as I may not support it, at least the mental reorientation of the". . . She rolled her eyes, and it was obviously difficult for her to formulate her next unpleasant words. "...School policy. Equality and all that crap." She sighed theatrically. "Well, whatever. Y/N", she leaned forward and was now so close that she could whisper straight into my ear, "But if you do something stupid next time, as to not consult me immediately. . . then I don't see any other way but to punish you, understood?"

Lord, help me. I bit my tongue so hard it almost started to bleed. It was madness, but what Lesso did to me, I had never experienced before. Her rough voice still echoed in my ears as she blew playfully against my ear before jerking away from me. My knees were soft and my mouth so dry, I couldn't say anything back. I was addicted to the mean older woman – however this happened – and when I caught her gaze, I had the terrible certainty that she knew exactly. My cheeks were glowing with embarrassment, and I cussed at myself internally for behaving like a sixteen-year-old teenager.

Literally out of breath, I held my arms in front of my body, perhaps not to feel as helpless as I really was.

Her sharp voice, again as loud and penetrating as before, frightened me. "Do you understand?" she asked, her fiery eyes pierced and exposed me, but I could no longer resist her. Countless times I had tried to convince myself that I only admired her, that I found her teasing and arrogant behaviour terrible, but the truth was this: every time she annoyed me, I wanted to feel her proud tongue between my legs.

I nodded devotedly and whispered, "Yes, Ma'am."

Lesso smiled complacently, her lips seemed to mock me, and raised her hand. Her long silver fingernails ran over my cheek and left an almost insatiable, burning craving on my skin.
"I'll see you in my office, Y/N", she whispered. With a cheeky wink, she turned around on her high shoes and strut away.

I stared after her, feeling the last remnant of my "self-respect" leaving my body, which after that encounter was just a shaking mess. This woman would devour me with skin and hair, and I couldn't wait.

Lady Lesso's Impactحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن