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Aryan was travelling by car—while in the backseat, busy attending a virtual conference.

He was close to having a headache because of the long journey—with the heat, especially, adding to his discomfort.

He was travelling to a village that lay on the outskirts of Delhi, and he was already restless—having spent every hour asking his driver, whether they were any nearer.

He wanted to visit the location in person, to overlook the construction site—and check out the progress for the new factory—which Rathore Group of Industries had recently purchased land for.

It wasn't a very remote village—but it was still a long trip by road—which Aryan had no patience for.

He went through some files now, of a recent acquisition the company was looking into. As he kept turning pages, he still couldn't bring his mind to focus on it.

No, he was very restless.

He was reflecting on something of a rushed choice perhaps, but he had been hesitant in taking his security detail along—even though the chief in-charge was insistent.

His reasoning had been—wanting to freely roam around the area—without having to create havoc with an entourage along with him. He didn't believe in that display for a simple, no-nonsense place.

But he still felt a bit uneasy—because this very morning, his Commissioner-friend, Dheeraj Rathi, had specifically called him to take "extra care"—but didn't divulge any further details.

He had also suggested sending a constable along, but Aryan simply thought it would be unnecessary, especially since his work was to finish the next day itself, post inspection of the site.

Aryan, for one, wasn't unfamiliar with threats to his life—especially with his brother-in-law being targeted once. He had always gone the extra mile then to safeguard his family and him.

But it made him all the more conscious—because he headed the responsibility of his family now.

Today...he had neglected that choice.

He reflected that even with all the self-defence tips and tricks in the world, rationality would always pervade his senses—and it would've been a wise choice to have just gotten one guard along, instead.

He just texted Imlie, to inform her that he'd be in at the designated location in some time.

His wife responded back promptly, now asking details about his journey, his stay and whether he had eaten or not.

Once he had assured her of his living arrangements, and every other detail, he teased her whether she wanted to ask him anything else.

She went on to mock him by giving him back his famous "udhaar" —which immediately brought a smile back to his face.

Only she reserved the special ability to say something crazy, after displaying so much concern for him.

Aryan looked at his watch—it was nearing afternoon now—and he knew they were pretty close.

He placed a call to his secretary to get the necessary arrangements taken care of, for when he arrived there—and shut his eyes to grab some rest. Willing for the headache to suffice as well.

At Rathore Mansion:

Imlie had bid goodbye to her husband that morning—with a very heavy pit in her stomach.

Yes, she knew he wouldn't have been gone for long—and at least he wasn't on an out-of-country trip, which used to leave her without an appetite for almost all those days— but she still felt restless.

She recollected suddenly, that he had flat out denied to take his security detail.

But it was not unusual for him—because when he had visited another village last time, to check in one of their foundations, under Arvind Jijaji's name, he didn't take any there either.

However still, she was worried.

She wasn't unaware regarding whispers about certain threats here and there—she knew it was understood—with Aryan being a well-known person, in a position of power—but it became especially clear when she overheard a tense conversation between his police-friend and him, the very same morning.

She couldn't get that out of her head.

She brought her focus back to her phone—having just finished texting him, but still wanting to type a 'miss you already' —before deciding against it—in case Aryan thought it was too needy on her part.

She decided to put her mind to rest, saying all the possible prayers for him for his safe return.

She always did that anyway—before any of his business trips—so he always had success and safety at hand, no matter what.

She had submitted her work before time today—and was freer than before—which was not something she needed at all, right now.

She had to distract her mind, so she wouldn't think about her husband any longer.

So...she tried to shut her eyes for a few wink's rest, but in vain.

Finally, after many deliberations with herself, she decided to go to the kitchen and help out there, to put her idle mind and the restlessness in her head to good use.

She would cook....and cook...till her mind couldn't think of anything!


"Adi Bhai, don't you think you've had enough?"

Rupi entered the room—unable to do anything but watch the helpless state of the person before her.

"Nooo...it's still not enough! I'll need more....it'll be done...soon...it'll be over ...maybe...it could be bad..."

He slurred as he uttered the words.

"What are you talking about? What has to be done? What will be over? Please Bhai! I beg you...would you look at yourself? Why are you drinking...."

"Shut up, Rupi! Please leave...don't interfere in my affairs...and I won't in yours, either. LEAVE! NOW!"

Rupi backed away with the intensity of his voice. Aditya slammed the door after she left—plopping himself down on the floor—

"Maybe....I ....should....tell...herrr!"

Guilt, regret—gushing over him now, as he gulped down the burning whiskey under his throat.


It was nighttime finally.

Imlie had called Aryan, a while back. But the call hadn't been clear—thanks to the poor network, so all she heard was a "good night" from him.

Maybe, they could speak properly in the morning.

She shut her eyes to go to bed. Knowing very well that sleep wouldn't come in the easiest for her, at least tonight.

She tossed and turn—before finally turning off the lamp on the bedside table —forcing her eyelids to stay shut.

It was about six in the morning....when a series of messages woke her up with a start...and would decidedly keep her awake for the rest of the day.

She had hoped it was Aryan...but...

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