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Imlie was finally settling well into her college life now.

After having made a good friend in Kiara —slowly, after many weeks, others also started realising her easy-going, jovial and helpful nature, and were more eager to interact with her.

She found it much easier to converse with them now.

In a few month's time, she was very happy with the small group she had made in college, where they used to discuss and exchange notes—and occasionally pull each other's leg as well.

Their small group consisted of Kiara, Viren, Aarav and Imlie, herself. They had often been paired up in teams for various projects —and had now become very close as a group.

Imlie had now decided to call them home, inviting them for lunch, wanting them to meet her family.

She mainly wanted to introduce them to Aryan properly—because he had only ever had limited interactions with them, when he used to come pick her up, if the opportunity ever arose.

But she decided that this did not count for good enough conversation—and thus, planned for this lunch get-together.

While Kiara and Aarav were excited for this, Viren was a bit sceptical—because he always thought that for some reason— Aryan didn't like him very much.

He had also spoken to Imlie once, asking her if there was an issue as such, but she had just laughed it off saying he was moody.

But Aryan had still always overwhelmed him—so he was just a little scared.

Imlie had reassured him, with a pat on his back,

"Don't you worry about my ABP—he may be very moody, but otherwise, he's the most chill person!"

When Viren shook his head in disbelief, Imlie just nodded vigorously,

"Yes yes...believe me! He can be extremely fun—when he's not in the office —or just let by himself.
At home, he's even more relaxed! So please don't worry about anything."

But Viren was not convinced.

He remembered the incident...

When he was walking back out with Imlie after lectures ended—as they were both laughing at something he was showing her on his phone.

Viren couldn't help but admire how Imlie laughed at the stupidest jokes—maybe that's why he had saved them, and kept them in a series for her to see later.

He swiped to show her another one...when Imlie suddenly turned her head to see the very guy —standing there in his usual stance.

Viren was seeing Aryan for the first time that day—and he felt intimidated like never before.

He could just feel, even from a considerable distance, that Aryan was eyeing him curiously through his aviators.

He slowly gulped— watching this powerful man, whom he had read so much about in magazines, with his hands in his pocket, casually waiting for his wife in their college.

Imlie took him closer to meet Aryan then.

"ABP, this is Viren...he's also the one who helped me with my activity this week."

Viren just silently put his hand forward, shaking a little. He met his straight glare then, as Aryan flicked his jacket once and removed his aviators to see him eye-to-eye.

Aryan, after eyeing his hand for a good minute, shook it steadily and began to speak in a curt voice,

"Imlie has told me a lot about you...nice to finally meet you."

Viren seen him take his wife by the waist in a half-embrace. She had the widest smile then and she slid her one hand around his waist, while she placed the other delicately on his chest.

She looked at him excitedly,

"I'm so happy you finally met ABP...oh wait a minute, you should show him all those saved jokes as well...he might laugh....."

"Might." She added after a pause with a slight chuckle.

Imlie slowly turned her head up and scrunched her nose at him, while Aryan just looked on, not amused, grabbing her waist tighter.

"Another time, for sure! We now have to get going...." He said this, while only looking down at his wife.

Imlie turned to ask Viren now, who was still feeling awkward and unsure of what to do,

"Hey, would you like a drop as well?..."

Viren just stood there, sliding a glance at Aryan now, who just glared back at him with a look—which told him exactly one thing:

That he did not want to be bothered by anyone at the moment ....at all!

Viren spoke quickly now, offering a quick smile, but in a hurry to run away,

"No, no Imlie! I have work left in the library! Please, go ahead. Thank you for the offer!"

He added slowly, "Aryan...Mr. Rathore...uh Sir...nice to meet you...thanks, I mean...bye!"

As soon as he said this, he rushed from there,  willing his head to not turn back even once—

silently wishing in his mind to only interact with this man, if ever, for only mere seconds, from now on....

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