Prologue - Valsgar

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Unknown's POV

The whispers in the wind gently brushed against me as I was pushed to walk forward, my head spinning from them, my heart hammering against my chest. The blind fold tightened around my eyes and the ropes were loosened, hands grabbed for me and pushed me down onto the floor. I flinched at the alien contact, feeling strange due to the sticky and cool substance they left on my body.

Hours ago, I was at home with my mother, cooking for my sister and her boyfriend when soldiers from Arean City barged in with a warrant for me. I screamed for them and they tried to stretch their hands to stop them from taking me but the General sliced their heads off without any hesitation. I was so shocked that I fainted, when I woke up, I was somewhere else in a jail cell. Rats squeaked and I was really scared, the blindfold didn't help the situation either. When I finally was released from the gate, I was met with another extra blindfold and hands started pushing me down somewhere. Now I was on the floor, probably looking pathetic.

The blindfold loosened around my eyes and when I opened my eyes, the lights blinded me but only for a moment before I looked around and screamed. There were bodies everywhere, all female. They were sexually abused from the looks of it and died from blood loss. I held a hand to my mouth, pinching my nose as well, trying to get rid of the sweet stench in the air. My eyes scanned the area while my sensitive nose wriggled at the metallic scent. A demon with claws that rose about ten feet tall stood in front of me with a smile, blood coating each tooth he had. He leaned down," You will do an excellent job for our sacrifice. Ms Anna."

Anna? Was that my name? I don't remember anymore. All I have are vague memories of my family and the last thing I saw before I was knocked out and kidnapped. I adjusted myself and looked behind to see hundreds of the same demon watching me with wide curious eyes, tongue darting out each second to lick their large swollen lips. I cringed, my heart hammered much faster, my eyes tearing up. The demon lifted my chin to face him before he caught my hair with his free hand and dragged me towards a giant chair where another demon sat. But he looked even nastier than the rest of them, his face was more hideous to look at, his tongue even longer and on top of his head sat a crown. He stood up, about twelve feet tall with long claws, crawling towards me like a lizard before he squat down and touched my face gently once the demon holding me threw me to his feet.

"Do you know who I am, Anna?" He slithered.

"No. And I wouldn't like to know." I stated with bitterness in my voice. What was the point? Aren't I going to die? Why should I know his name? He chuckled, but it sounded like a screech when nails dragged along a blackboard. My pulse quickened when his smile disappeared and he backhanded me, making me fall to the side. I felt burning in my cheek and lifted my hand to touch my cheek, and pulled back my hand to see blood, fresh red blood.

The demon king sniffed the air deeply and moaned," Elf blood is wonderful. Elves are required for every sacrifice. They are the epitome of a sacrifice." He glanced at me," I am the Great War Lord, Valsgar. This city is named Arean and you are here because of this." He moved to the side and gestured towards the chair. The chair had strange markings with people screaming on it, and occasionally a shadow would lurk around the chair before disappearing into thin air. "Beautiful and remarkable, isn't it? That is a chair made by the demons of Valsgar. They are named after my great grandfather and for generations, each of us had the same name. They are the shadows of my ancestors, and they feed on elves to give us peace. If a perfect sacrifice is not made every time a new King is upon that throne, they would turn our world into dust. dear...are my second last chance to satisfy the demons. If you don't succeed, I might need to challenge many species as that woman is a very special person."

"Who?" I curiously asked.

"Cassandra Daniels. It's Karolina. Princess Karolina Pretrova of the Demon and Elf World. Luna Cassandra to her mate's pack and Leader Daniels to the Red Fox. Now you see why I have hesitation towards kidnapping her. It would mean the end of our world but at the same time, we have allies and my shadows protecting us." He walked away and turned towards me before he smiled," However we must see how your sacrifice will provide for us."

My eyes widened and I struggled against the binds wrapped around my ankles and wrists. The demon earlier grabbed me again by my hair and dragged me towards the chair before he pushed my face onto the seat and slowly took a knife out of nowhere. He held it against my neck and I glanced up to see hundreds of shadows swarming onto the front of the chair, pushing each other greedily.

Flashbacks of my mom, my dad, my brother and my sister came to me. Then one flashback surprised me. A child came running up to me, giggling and screaming," Help, mummy! Daddy is being bad!" A man around his twenties comes running and laughs before he pulls the boy into his arms and kisses me on the forehead. Something warm slid down my cheek and I realized it was a tear. A tear of sadness and loss.

I am never going to be able to see my child again, nor will I see my husband. I sniffled and closed my eyes, preparing myself before finally pain enveloped my neck and then it was numb. Everything was disappearing. My memories and my soul.

I smiled one last time to myself, while in darkness before I finally left the world.


Hi everyone. I am finally back with a chapter for the second book. I know it's kind of late but I am in grade 11 now and I have it rougher because I am still getting used to the Canadian education as it's much different than Hong Kong's. I won't be updating a chapter again until after my Physics exam which is this Thursday so I apologize but so far, this is going to be the main plot.

A war Lord from Arean City wants to sacrifice the perfect elf to satisfy his ancestors who will destroy his world if he wastes his last chance on another useless elf. So be prepared for a lot more drama. I recently looked back and read my first book to find a lot of mistakes. Please don't blame me. I wrote this book at the age of ten and published it at twelve so I was still kind of...stupid. lol.

Anyways, I am seventeen now and I am better at my grammar, I think. Hopefully.....if not, I have an editor waiting for me who is amazing in English but she's busy too preparing for her exams. Oh well. We go to the same school so...What am I even saying???

However, I do like to thank those who supported my first book and commented those awesome comments which always cheer me up because I always feel awesome after that since they are funny. For my other book, the Fanfiction one, The Curse of A Queen will be on hold for a while until I return next week. But it's been on hold for a while. So starting next week, there might be two chapters each week, sometimes one, depending on my mood.

But thanks anyways for the support. Please continue to love and support my future books and current ones as well.

Love y'all!


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