Chapter 2: christmas shopping

Start from the beginning

"Whatever helps you sleep at night babe" Jake laughed now as well at the daggers forming on Genevieve's head. "I won't be gone for long, I'll just need to do my training for 14 weeks and then I'll be back" she explained as she placed her hand on Genevieve's thigh and squeezed it gently.

14 weeks was a long time. She struggled with Riley being gone for just a week and that was when they had not long known each other. She could do 14 weeks though, they'd message and they could call each other, it'll be fine. For now though, Genevieve wanted to enjoy the months she had left with the raven haired girl.

"When's your birthday" this was aimed at Genevieve, she knew hers so it was only fair. "June" that wasn't long either. Well it was 5 months away, but the days would go by quickly. They continued to talk for an hour longer until Ellie announced that the couple had to leave. "Right, babe, ill see you soon, we have to go shopping for Christmas"

The man shook Riley's hand and told her t was nice meeting her, Riley did the same and both women watched as the couple left the cafe.

"I completely forgot about Christmas shopping" Riley turned in her chair so she was facing Genevieve. "I'm all done" Riley rolled her eyes "alright for some" the blonde smiled as she took a sip of her drink. "We could go today?" That sounded good, they could grab something to eat as well maybe? Any excuse to be with Genevieve.

"Sounds good" Genevieve finished her drink and both women stood from their chairs as the blonde pulled her jacket on and put her gloves on. Riley put her beanie on before they exited the cafe.

They were now walking through the busy streets of London, Riley's hands were in her pockets and Genevieve's were resting by her side. "Who first?" Riley caught sight of a small toy shop on the corner of the street and knew she had to start with her brothers first. "Tiger and Mason first, and then Calum" Genevieve nodded her head and followed Riley towards the small toy shop.

"What do they like?" Riley eyed the shelves of toys and pulled her beanie from her head so she could push her hair out of her face. "Tiger loves animals, and mason loves cars" they were twins but despite that factor they didn't like the same stuff, mostly. When it came to food they ate the same but when it came to toys and aspirations they were very different, for example tiger wanted to own his own zoo, and Mason wanted to race cars.

They spent a few minutes looking around the small shop until Riley found a race car in a cardboard box packaging. It was red which is his favourite colour. "He'll love this" Genevieve stood next to Riley and admired her features again. She had such soft features as well as masculine ones, they really complimented each other. "You're staring again" Riley smiled to herself when the blonde started to blush and turned her head away from Riley. Genevieve started walking down another isle and picked up a container full with plastic zoo animals. "What about this for tiger?" Riley took the container from the blonde before nodding. "Yeah he'll love these" they paid for their items and left the shop with a bag.

Riley put her beanie back on before they continued walking the busy streets of London. They managed to get everything Riley needed. They shopped for her 3 brothers and her 2 sisters. She didn't bother getting anything for her dad, because let's face it, he didn't deserve jack shit.

After shopping, both girls were quite hungry so they stopped at a small Chinese restaurant. Riley placed the bags on the floor by her feet and both women sat down. They ordered their food and tucked into it after it came to their table. It didn't take long considering it was busy.

"What are your plans for Christmas?" Riley asked as she took a sip from her water bottle. "My mother's coming down from France for Christmas, so I'm spending it with her at her hotel on Christmas Eve and then with my papa on Christmas Day, what about you?" Riley thought about what it must feel like to still have a mother figure in your life and not a drunk dad. She didn't envy Genevieve for it because it wasn't her fault her mum died and her dad was a drunk. She just sometimes wished it would have been her dad instead. "Me, tiger, mason, Leah, and mimi are spending Christmas at my older brothers apartment" the blonde girl smiled in response. I bet it was nice to have a big family at this time of year and not divorced parents.

They continued to eat their food in a comfortable silence. They ate their food and made their way back to the university. Genevieve didn't bring her car so they walked back to the university. Genevieve followed the raven haired girl back to her room so she could drop her bags of presents off, and stood outside. "You can come in, if you want to?" Genevieve accepted the offer and shut the door behind her.

"I can't get over how cold it's getting" Riley took her hoodie off, and Genevieve couldn't help but notice her toned stomach when the T-shirt she had on underneath rode up. "I know its amazing"  Riley placed her hoodie on her bed and when she turned to face Genevieve the blonde was clearly in a different world. She had her head tilted and was biting her bottom lip. Riley burrowed her eyebrows together, not knowing why the blonde was staring at her stomach. That was until she looked down and saw that her T-shirt had ridden up. "Oh, sorry" Genevieve didn't even know she was staring until she heard Riley's voice.

"You don't have to be sorry" the blonde was eyeing the raved haired girl mischievously now. "Oh really?" The blonde had a light shade of pink coating her pale skin, and it wasn't just because of the cold air they had just escaped. Riley slowly made her way towards the blonde, and when they were close enough she placed her hands on her waist. She moved blonde hair from her face, so she could look into blue orbs that made her heart quicken and her palms sweat. Brown orbs fell to soft pink lips before she leaned in closer until their lips were touching.

Genevieve took in a deep breath before returning the kiss. It was deeper than any kiss they had shared, it was fuelled by the tension of what just happened, lips brushing over each other and breathing heavy. Genevieve started to walk towards Riley's bed, the raven haired girl still had her hands gripping her waist as they continued to kiss. They only broke the kiss when Genevieve's legs hit the back of Riley's bed, meaning she couldn't walk back anymore. Riley searched blue eyes and received another kiss from her instead of words. It was soft and lasted for only a second. Genevieve pushed herself onto the bed so she was resting against the pillows. Riley joined her before capturing her lips between her own again.

Genevieve was so caught up in the kiss that when Riley pulled away to pepper kisses to the skin of her neck her breathing was ragged and her hands were sweating. The kisses were soft, as her lips grazed the pale skin of the blondes neck. "Thank you for shopping with me today" Genevieve couldn't even reply, her throat was dry. Instead she hummed a response as Riley continued to kiss her neck.

Genevieve placed a hand in Riley's hair and gently pulled at it, whilst her other hand sought for Riley's. they intertwined their fingers as Riley moved from the skin on her neck and back to her lips. "God i love kissing you" Genevieve smiled in response, her eyes still closed. Instead of feeling her lips against her own again Genevieve felt a heavy weight resting against her chest. Her body was resting against her own when she opened her eyes. She pulled at the small hairs on Riley's neck as she let go of her hand and placed it in her hair and pushed it from her face. Genevieve closed her eyes again and sighed to herself.

She could definitely get used to this.

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