(oc)How Can I Help You

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Stingy's pov

When I woke up this morning my mother and father asked me to get my mail. Looking down at the variety of colorful paper I spotted a bright blue envelope. Excitedly, I rushed to my parents and waved the paper in front of them. Sadly they took it away from me so they could read it.

"Oh how wonderful, Richard we can go on that vacation this month "

"How so Angela?"

"Our dear Charity is coming back to town"

"Oh how wonderful; Stingy how would you like it if you spent some time living with your older sister?"

I was shocked; living with Charity would be perfect, she almost always gives me what ever I want.

"I want to live with Charity" I wanted to see her right now

"Be patient Stingy, Charity still needs to get here; her letter says that she'll arrive tomorrow"

"That's not entirely true darling; the post is delayed by a day so she'll arrive today"

"I guess you right; Stingy why don't you go wait for her by the train station and help her with her bags"

I didn't want to but I wanted to live with her so I guess helping her would make her go faster. When I left the house I walked straight to the train station. On the way I ran into Ziggy eating his signature lollipop.

"Hey Stingy where are you going?" Ziggy questioned

"I'm heading to the train station to help my sister move in when she gets here" I boasted

"That's so cool, I wish my sister would move back here, she always made the best cakes and candies" Ziggy said dreamily

I walked past him to continue my journey to the train station as Ziggy ran off, probably to play with the other kids. When I got there the train had stopped and a bunch of people were loading fancy looking bags off the train. I was about to run towards the bags but Stephanie stopped me.

"Stingy you can't steal those bags they're someone else's" she said grabbing my arm

"I wasn't going to take them, they're my sister's bags" I retorted pulling my arm away

"Stingy is that you" a voice came from behind me

As I whipped around I was suddenly flung into the air and wrapped in a tight hug by my big sister who was smiling brightly down at me.

"Stingy did you come all the way down here to help me with your friends?" She said looking around at the other kids happily

"Yes I did, I can help you with your fancy bags" I said in a matter-a-fact way

Sportacus' pov

"Someone needs help, this early? The kids usually don't wake up for, 5 more minutes" I questioned looking over the clock

I flipped over to my door and started climbing down the ladder. Once I hit the ground I looked around but couldn't see anyone that needed help. Now that I was looking, I didn't see anyone at all.

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