Chapter 9

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Fire blasts and grows in the air as Raella yells in her room with midwives running everywhere. Aemond sits on the beach where he can still hear the screams. He trains with Daemon who had nothing else to do so he decided to help his nephew to keep his mind of what's happening inside.

"Come on, princess," a midwife says between Raella's legs.

"Fuck you!" Raella yells before she lets out another scream.

Rhaenyra holds Raella's hand who squeezes it until her knuckles turn white. "Okay, breath," the midwife says.

"I hate this! I can't...I can't keep going," Raella cries.

"You have too. Because if the baby doesn't come, they're gonna have to take it out. And you'll die," Rhaenyra says grabbing Raella's hand again.

Raella looks at Rhaenyra who nods. "He's gonna kill it. He'll kill it. Or Alicent will. The Hightowers will kill my baby," Raella sobs.

"You're tired, and you're in pain. Everything will be okay, but you have to push. Or you and the baby will die," Rhaenyra says.

Raella sits up and lets out a scream as she starts pushing again. "Almost!" The midwife yells.

Raella lets out another scream before she stops. "The head's out," the midwife says with a smile.

"Seven fucking hells. I need to go again?" Raella asks.

Rhaenyra nods before Raella lets out another scream. "Push, princess! Push!" the midwife yells over the screaming.

Raella starts pushing causing this to stop her screams. "Fucking cunt! Get your hands off me!" she yells during the pushing.

"You sound just like your mother," the midwife smiles at her.

"Then you know i am right! You're a fucking cunt!" Realla yells before relieve washes over her body and she falls back in the bed.

"It's a girl," the midwife says putting the baby on Raella's chest.

She smiles kissing her daughter's head. "Can Aemond come?" she asks Rhaeyera who smiles and walks out.

Not long after the afterbirth starts and Raella is cleaned up. She lays on her bed while the baby is cleaned up and dressed. Aemond walks in with a smile and rushes to her. "How did it go?" he asks worried.

"I never want to do it again," she smiles.

He laughs softly and kisses her forehead. "Here she comes," someone says as the baby is handed to Raella.

Aemond sits next her on the bed and puts his arm over her shoulder. "She's beautiful," he says as the baby puts her tiny hands around his finger.

Raella smiles looking at him as he has tears in his eyes. "What should we name her?" She asks him.

"What would you want?" He asks.

"Dhaella," she whispers looking at her daughter.

"Dhaella," he whispers taking the baby from her.

She smiles as he looks at the baby with a smile. "She still looks like you," Rhaenyra says assuring him.

"Good," he says looking up at her.

Raella smiles at her mother before looking at her husband who holds the baby. "She does," she whispers.

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