Chapter 1

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Raella sits in her chambers with a teacher while he teaches her high Valyrian. Her white hair is braided while she wears a red dress. Her door opens and queen Alicent walks in with an angry expression. "Have you been here the whole day?" She asks the young girl.

"Have you?" Raella asks with a smile.

"Raella! I am serious! Where have you been?" Alicent yells in her face.

Rhaenyra walks into the room with Laenor behind her while holding their newborn baby. "Alicent! Step away from my daughter," Rhaenyra says causing Alicent to step away from the eight year old that rushes to her father.

"I was here with my teachers! Learning a language you have no right to learn," Raella says standing by her parents.

"I is safe to say, that you have no right to be in these chambers," Laenor says with his hand on Raella's back to comfort her.

Rhaenyra watches as Alicent leaves the chambers. "I take it that it was about that fucking pig," she says after the doors close.

"It was about a pig," Raella sighs sitting back at the table.

She continues her lesson while her parents watch her over the day. The next day she walks around the yard watching the prince's train with fake swords. She is bored again and decides to pick up a wooden sword to pass the time.

"How about you keep to being a princess and the future heir?" Aegon asks behind her making her jump.

She drops it and turns to him with a frown. "A woman can also fight with a sword, Aegon," she says.

"Yes, but you are a 10 year old girl," he says.

"Yes, well, at least I will sit the iron throne one day," she smiles.

He scoffs before walking away from her when he is being called. She looks at him with a frown and keeps her eyes on his sword.

During dinner she plays with her food which catches Rhaenyra's attention. "Raella?" She asks.

"I want to be a knight. I want to fight wars on my dragon and swing a sword," Raella says looking at her mother.

"You will be queen one day. You can't train to be a knight," Rhaenyra says with a frown.

"You are a dragon rider! You can't deny me a sword and training!" Raella yells getting up.

"Raella..." Laenor starts trying to grab her hand.

"I will never be queen! I will never sit the iron throne! And I will do anything in my power to make sure I will never be a fucking queen!" She yells pulling it away.

She leaves the room and goes to her own chambers. A day after she gets on her dragon which is bigger than most dragons at their age. Belindo is a female with a black dragon skin with red eyes that is almost as big as a grown dragon.

She flies next her mother who keeps a close eye on her. When they arrive at dragon stone are taken to the pit and Raella walks next her parents. They stop as they stand in front of Dragonstones castle and Raella smiles at Rhaenyra who nods. "Home," she whispers.

When the dragons started to danceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें