Chapter 3

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Raella is 13. Daemon and Rheanyra have just had twins, Aegon and Viserys, when Raella gets her first period. This means a lot, as she can now be married.

Raella sits on the dinner table with her family and eats in silence. The raven from Aegon that morning told her that she can now bear children, something she hated to think about. Over the last 5 years, she has been talking through ravens with Aegon and their bond has remained close.

When she wrote about her frustrations of her mother and Daemon looking for a husband for her, he wrote her back with that news. "We are going to Kings landing the day after tomorrow," Daemon informs.

"Great," she mumbles sarcastically.

"What was that?" He asks.

Everybody goes quiet and looks at the two. "Please, guys. Not tonight," Rhaenyra sighs.

"Why not? She started it. We are all going, but Raella will stay there," Daemon says looking at Aemma.

"What? Why?" Jace asks with a worried undertone.

"Because she is to going to marry Aemond," Rhaenyra says looking down.

Raella suddenly shoots up causing her chair to fly back on the floor while she stabs her knife into the table. "I am not going to marry that monster!" she yells before storming out of the hall.

Rhaenyra sighs getting up and going after Raella who locks herself in her rooms. "Raella?" She asks walking in.

"I will not marry him! I have told you many times before! I will not marry him!" She yells throwing pillows at her mother.

Rhaenyra stays quiet and walks to her. "Do you want to be an heir?" She asks.

Raella stays quiet biting her lip. "If you wish to sit upon the throne, marry him," Rhaenyra continues.

Raella sits on her bed. "And what if I do not wish to sit on that fucking throne?" She asks.

"I will not do this again, you are the future fucking heir! You will marry Aemond! You will have his children! And you will be my eyes within the court," Rhaenyra says walking to her daughter.

"If you marry me off...I will not do anything to help you on that throne. I will not do anything in your favor. Marry me to a monster! I will treat you like a monster," Raella says angry.

Rhaenyra walks out of the room without another word but the day the family still leaves to kings landing. When they get there, Raella walks after her brothers into the big hall. The wedding goes per tradition of the Targaryen house. During a dinner, Raella sits next Aemond until Aegon shoots his shot.

"I'm sorry, brother. But I am going to steal your future wife," he smiles taking her hand.

She looks at an angry Aemond while also having a bright smile on her face. She dances with him until Aemond steps in and takes over. "Raella," he says with a smile.

She looks at an angry Aegon who sits back at the table before she dances with Aemond. "I think, we were both forced into this," he says.

"I was pulled out of my bed, my shit was packed and I was forced on my dragon to get here. Literally forced," she sighs looking at her mother.

"I know the feelings you have for my brother," he says.

Raella looks at Aegon who is staring daggers Aemond, then he looks at Raella and his eyes fill with lust and desire. "The feelings are mutual," she whispers.

"I can see," he says looking between the two.

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