Chapter 1 - Morning

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Sakura POV


I opened my eyes tiredly, trying to figure out what was that sound.


"Hai, hai.  I'm coming."  I picked up my phone to see what was going on.  It's currently 6AM so why would anyone be calling me right now.

Sent 6AM Today

Haruka: Airi!  Airi!  Wake up!  It's your big show today! 

Airi: Eeehhh?!  W-What do you mean?!

Haruka:  Hehe, did you forget sleepyhead?  Today's the meet and greet with your fans! And a certain someone is coming to see you there!

Airi: What?!

Who could this person be?  It's someone Haruka knows personally and it's someone that I must know. 

O-or maybe not... 

It could just be some new friend she made while I was gone...

She's hinting it's a boy since they want to meet me badly so it might just be a total stranger...

I felt my eyes welling up by the second as I wondered if it was going to be another stranger asking me to date them.  I get so many love letters and confessions from random people all the time now.  However, I always have to reject them and then they become more aggressive with their letters, begging me to reconsider. Being an idol is hard but it's so fun to take pictures and dress up in cute outfits.

There are some good parts to being an idol and some that aren't.  But who was Haruka talking about?

Sent 7AM Today

Airi:  Ne, Haruka, who's this certain someone you want me to meet?

Haruka:  Hehe, it's a surprise Airi!

Airi: But what if it's someone I don't know!!! 

I swear Haruka never stops teasing me.

Sent 7:30AM Today

Airi: Haruka, who is ittttt?!

Haruka:  It's a surprise for you, Airi!  But if you wanna know so badly then here's a hint, it's someone you said goodbye to during high school!!!

Someone from high school huh?  Who haven't I seen from high school?

Could it be Yamauchi-san?

No, it can't be, Haruka said he and Ike-san were long gone, something about being arrested and sexual harassment.

Wait, someone I said goodbye to?

Could it be...


My cheeks started to get warmer as I kept thinking as I typed furiously on my phone.

Sent 7:40AM Today


Haruka:  Hmmmm?  Who's this him we're talking about?

I could feel her smug smile irradiating from my phone and her text.

Sent 7:42AM

Airi: You don't mean Kiyotaka right?

Haruka:  I don't knowwwww.....

So it could mean him...

That boy who saved me when I was backed up in a corner...

That boy who promised me that he would protect me...

That boy who helped me grow out of my shell...

The boy who nominated me for expulsion...

And yet he's the boy who captivated and stole my heart...

Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, if it's really you, after all this time...

It's been so long Kiyotaka...

Just like before I was expelled and left, I've changed myself, bettered myself. 

And I hope he notices what's different this time...

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