Chapter 10

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~~~Will's point of view~~~    

I found myself stunned as I left the after party. I would have never imagined that my Sam was in the same situation that I was in. I had always referred to her as “My Sam” purely because I was protective of her, but now I felt like I was connected to her on a deeper level. I was grinning like a mad man as I walked down the street, and I realized that even if I wanted to stop smiling, I wouldn’t have been able to. I decided to quicken my pace lest Sam discover that I lied to her about having a ride. Not that I was nervous about walking around Hollywood alone at night. I didn’t really bother me. As long as I minded my own business and didn’t provoke any of the rough characters around here, I would be fine.

     Just as I had figured, I arrived home safe and had not even had any brushes with danger. It wasn’t until then that I realized just how tired I was, so I climbed the stairs to my room and went to bed.


The next week passed without incidence. Sam and I kept up our usual façade at school, but now we could confide in each other about it. Chase was becoming a nuisance. He kept trying to steal Sam away from me. Every time I saw Chase talk to her a burning anger would build up in my chest. I thought I would explode with rage if someone didn’t stop me. But fortunately enough, Sam always did. She had this way about her that could always calm me down, no matter what the situation was. I enjoyed stealing quick kisses while I knew Chase was watching, but I guess that was just my competitive nature in me.

Chris seemed weirded out by the fact that Sam and I were dating, but he knew I would take care of her so that was enough for him. Chris seemed different now. I knew Sam was noticing it too. There was a certain frailness too him, and this terrified Sam. But I convinced her that he was just coming down with a cold or something, she knew she was just being silly, I guessed that was the protective sister in her.


I slammed my hand down on the alarm as it blared in my room. But when I felt the digital clock crumple under the force of my blow, I realized just how out of it I was. I regretfully took the smashed clock to my garbage can and made a mental note to get a new one. Suddenly I remembered that Sam and I had a date today so I practically leapt out of bed. My dad rolled his eyes at me as I raced down the hall. Fifteen minutes later I was gulping down a quick breakfast before I left for the park. I got there early so I could surprise Sam. But she never came. It must have been hours that I waited there, hoping that she would come. Finally I couldn’t take it anymore. I pulled out my phone and dialed her number. I had to call three times before she finally answered.  

Before she started talking I knew something was wrong. I could hear her irregular breathing which only could mean one thing. She was crying, “Sam what’s wrong?” I pleaded. I couldn’t stand to hear her in so much pain. She tried to say something but it just came out as sobs. Someone took the phone from her, “You had better get here fast.” Chase sounded grim, “Why do you know what’s going on and I don’t!” I demanded. That fiery anger was building up in me again, “Would you just shut up and get to the Smith’s house now?” He hung up. I was furious. First of all Sam was hurt and I didn’t know why. Second of all Chase was there and again, I didn’t know why.

I jumped in my car and drove as fast as I could to her house. I was incredibly lucky there had not been any police around otherwise I would have gotten a massive speeding ticket. But when I pulled into Sam’s neighborhood my heart sank, there was an ambulance outside, and they were loading a person on a stretcher into the back. I put my car in park and nearly leapt out of it. Sam was standing by the front door. Tears streaming from her eyes, Chase stood behind her, his face a mast of concern. When she saw me she ran to me and buried her face in my chest. I stroked her hair as she cried, “Shhhhh, shhhhh. What’s wrong Sam?” She pulled away just so she could look at my face, “It’s Chris.” She finally choked out. The tears fell faster from  her eyes so I pulled her back into a hug, “He will be ok, I promise.” I tried to comfort her, but her mom took her from me so they could go to the hospital. She had requested that Chase and I stay at the house for now.

“What happened?” I asked as we watched them pull away, “Chris and I were outside tossing around a football and he collapsed. He wouldn’t wake up.” I looked ahead in confusion, “I had noticed that he was acting a bit strange, but I had never thought anything of it. What if something is really wrong with him.” I glanced back at Chase. His face showed the same fear that I felt, “I’m worried about that too. Not only would I lose my best friend, but the whole school would lose Sam as well. I don’t know if she could ever be the same.” While I was not thrilled that Chase was talking about Sam, I knew he was right. If her brother died, then she would be changed forever.

I tried to convince myself that we were being rash. We weren’t thinking straight. And I was not going to show my weaknesses in front of someone else. So I explained my reasoning to Chase. It was a good thing I was an actor otherwise Chase would have seen the lying on my face. A phone rang and Chase and I both pulled our phones out as fast as we could. It was mine, “Sam?” I asked, “You guys can come to the hospital now.” She sounded unusually calm. But it wasn’t a soothing calm, it was more the type of calm someone was when they were in shock. Sam was completely numb. She was trying to block her emotions, and that could never be good. I hung up and glanced at Chase. I didn’t need to say a word. We both climbed into my car and headed to the hospital.

**Hello my wonderful readers! it has been so long since I uploaded and I am truly sorry! I was in my school's musical and I had a lead. Last week was production week and if any of you do theatre you know how busy that week is! But I will make it up to you all this week because I will have plenty of free time this week to upload! please keep reading, voting and fanning! Ps: i told you I would have a surprise for you if there was more than ten votes! Tell me if you want more of Will's point of view, :)

I May Be Famous But They Don't Know That [Being Revised]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن