Chapter 9

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Will and I stared at each other, neither of us wanted to break the silence. I was pretty sure that Will was just as shocked as I was. As soon as the initial shock of the current situation wore off realization dawned on me. Not only was my best friend secretly famous, but I had just kissed him. His eyes grew wide so I knew he was thinking the same thing. We simply stared at each other for a few more minutes. Slowly, we both stood up, never taking our eyes from each other. Finally he said in a voice that was almost a whisper, “Sam?” He sounded as unsure as I felt. I was afraid to talk so I just nodded my head. That seemed to be enough conformation for him, so he just pulled me into a hug.

     “Weird.” He whispered into my ear. I found myself laughing at what he said, “No kidding. Who would have thought?” He put me at an arm’s length from him and smiled. I smiled back at him. Come to think about it our situation was very ironic. Two famous kids, trying to be normal become best friends because everyone else casts them out, “I guess we should be getting back now. People are probably wondering where we went.” I laughed then said seriously, “What about your contacts?” his eyes grew wide, “Oh yeah…” He trailed off and looked at me pleadingly. I thought, and then said hesitantly, “Well you are an actor, so you can make up some reason as to why you have to go.” He frowned, “Can’t you come with me?” I raised my eyebrows in shock, “Will, this is my premier party, I can’t just walk out of it now.” He nodded his head understandingly, “That’s true, I guess I should be going now.” He looked down the hall, then caught my hand in his, “About what happened,” I knew he was talking about the kiss, my heart started beating faster. Over the past few days I had come to like Will a lot, but had never really realized it, “I really had no idea, and I’m sorry if that freaked you out or anything.” I quickly shook my head, “Not at all, I was actually really nice.” I looked into his eyes and smiled. He grinned back at me, “Really, you thought so too?” I just nodded my head, then he leaned in and kissed me again.

     It was quick, but filled with emotion. I pulled away, then grinned at him. I could still feel the lingering electricity from the kiss. He waved at me, a huge smile on his face, then he darted down the hallway and disappeared. I made my way back to the party room in a daze. I couldn’t believe what had happened. I wondered if Will liked me as much as I liked him. Shawn spotted me and waved me over, “Where’s William? He went to check on you.” I shrugged, “Will had to leave, he didn’t feel well.” Everything seemed distant, I wanted to jump up and down and scream, but that was unbecoming of a young lady in this society. Shawn frowned, obviously disappointed, “That’s a shame.” Now that I thought about it, Will was a very well like person in this world. It seemed like everyone knew him, and even if they didn’t, they were extremely fond of him. I smiled at the thought, “What are you smirking about?” Shawn was leaning up against a wall staring at me in with curiosity.

     “It isn’t illegal to smile.” I retorted. He laughed, “Defensive are we,” He paused to give something a thought, then he continued, “So I’ve never asked this before, but do you have a boyfriend?” I froze. I was almost positive that I had Will, I had agreed to go see a movie with Chase, which I was trying to figure out how to get out of, I was not going to be involved with Shawn. I bit my lip then said hesitantly, “Yeah.” He rose his eyebrows, “Really what’s his name?” “Chase.” I blurted out before I could stop myself. I immediately started mentally beating myself up. If Shawn told Will that, then major problems could arise, “Oh, lucky guy.” He smiled sheepishly. I rolled my eyes and yawned.

     The rest of the party was painfully slow. People came and talked to me about my career and my job was to smile, nod, and occasionally give small answers. When it finally was over I tried to rush to my limo. But it in the end it took nearly thirty minutes to get through the crowd and into my limo. I sighed with relief when I closed and locked the door, “How was the party?” Edward asked. I sighed, “Crazier than anything I have ever experienced.” He gave me a questioning look, “Long story short, the guy that we gave a ride to, William Vogel, he’s Will.”  Edward almost missed the red light he was so shocked. The car slammed to a halt.

     “WHAT?” Edward practically shouted, “I know, it’s crazy, but that’s all there is to it. But you can’t tell anyone! He is like me, and doesn’t want anyone to know,” And in a small voice I added, “And he kissed me, twice.” Edward made an exasperated sound. He obviously had a hard time keeping up with my personal life. He decided against asking me any questions so the rest of the car ride was silent. When we pulled up to my house he said, “I hope I hear more about this soon.” I laughed, “Don’t worry, you will! Thanks for the ride Edward!” He waved at me as I climbed out of the car. I walked into the house and was hardly surprised when I saw Chase in the living room playing Call of Duty with my brother. They both waved to me, and Chris smacked Chase when his eyes lingered on me a little too long.  

     I had no idea how I was going to get out of the date with Chase, but I knew I had to. Another obvious problem was that Shawn thought I was dating a guy name Chase, and it was very plausible that he would tell Will about that. But the thought of Will made me grin. I wearily sank onto my bed. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

**Hello my wonderful readers! So I am doing a contest for covers for both my books, so if you want to enter, go the the book covers club and look for the discussion titled, "Book Cover Contest with Great Prizes {open until April 20th}" I would love it if you guys entered! Comment?? Vote?? Fan??

PS: If there are more than ten votes on this chapter, i will have a special surprise for you all!


I May Be Famous But They Don't Know That [Being Revised]Where stories live. Discover now