"I have some clue. I'll look through the information tomorrow and tell you. What are you going to do?" Grandpa Yun tapped his fingers on the armrest of the chair.

"I'm going to the department store tomorrow to see if there is any darker powder." Yun's mother replied, "But it's not safe. It's exposed when it's stained with water."

"I know some plant juice can discolor the skin, Dad. I'll check the information with you tomorrow." Yun's father said, "Doer can't delay this matter. I'll go to school tomorrow morning to ask for a few days off. Xiaoyu, take time to go to the department store. You don't have to ask for leave, otherwise neither of us will be suspicious.

"Okay, then don't ask for leave. I'll just ask for you. You can go straight to the hospital with your father, so that I can find a reason."

"Yes." Grandpa Yun made the board: "Doll, you still dress up like before. Don't worry about what you should do and do."

Therefore, Yunduo, who was supposed to be the center of the event, was thus excluded from the event.

Make arrangements to disperse separately, and the clouds routinely enter the space before falling asleep.

Get up early in the morning and dress up and punch with Grandpa. When Grandpa and others went out, Yunduo took his two cousins to send Yunhai to school together. According to yesterday's arrangement, Yunduo took his cousins around.

Looking at Grandpa Yun, the father and son went to several libraries to consult a lot of materials and finally found a useful formula.

It's just that the medicinal herbs are not in a good place, so I have to try to match them.

In the evening, the four met again to exchange what they got today.

"I bought two kinds of fat powder, which can be used temporarily." Yun's mother reported first.

"We found the right formula, but the medicinal herbs are not complete, and there is a lack of two flavors. If it is made successfully, Doll only needs to take the medicine on time to keep her skin dark yellow. Yun's father said, "This side is harmless to the body."

"What medicine is missing? We all went to find it." Yun's mother asked, "No, I'll go to the black market."

"Grandpa, can you find the seeds of medicine?" The cloud asked, she can also ripe with seeds.

Grandpa Yun, but what they think is that the cloud wants to exchange seeds for mysterious people.

"There are no seeds, only the grass seeds of the grass. The hospital uses the grass seeds for medicine. This grass seed has also been specially dried. I don't know if it can be used as a seed. What we want to add medicine is the leaves of the grass." Grandpa Yun said.

"Grandpa, I'll go to the hospital with you early tomorrow morning. Please give me some." Do clouds think spiritual spring water may feed?

"Okay, I'll find the rest." Yun's father set the sound with a hammer.

The next day, Yunduo followed his grandfather to the hospital to get the grass seeds and immediately went home. He entered the space and planted a small piece of seeds next to the ginseng field, poured it with Lingquan water, and told Xiao A to pay attention to the change of grass seeds from time to time.

After that, she continued to take her two cousins around. In order to meet the requirements of the fourth cousins, Yunduo also took them up the mountain and caught two pheasants.

The grass is a herbaceous plant. The maturation cycle is not long, and the effort of a day and a night is long enough to grow with the blessing of space. So on the morning of the third day, Yunduo took out a few fresh grass and gave them to Grandpa, and the medicinal herd my father found.

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