Chapter 1: Rebirth

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Chapter 1: Rebirth

Yunduo sat in front of her mother's dressing table and looked at the simple two-layer carved red sandalwood dressing box in a daze for almost ten minutes. She always knew that there was a mother's dowry box said to have been handed down from Grandma Zeng, but she had never seen it before. She didn't know it was such a precious box.

In their previous life, the Yun family caused trouble because she had a piece of jade hanging around her neck since she was a child. It was not until the intentional people found this box that the bad luck of the Yun family began.

Yes, Yunduo was reborn. Today is the third day after her rebirth.

Yunduo is a freshman in high school at the age of 16, her brother Yunfei graduated from high school at the age of 18, and her younger brother Yunhai is in the third grade of primary school at the age of 10.

Yunfei wants to be a soldier and has already signed up, because it does not meet the requirements of every family to get an educated youth. Yunfei has passed all the inspections but has not been notified.

In order to help her brother fulfill his dream, she took the initiative to sign up for the countryside before she was reborn. The approval was passed. She will leave in half a month, and Yunfei is about to become a glorious recruit!

However, the decline of the Yun family in her previous life began with her departure from home.

It took a day to sort out the history of the Yun family's extinction in her previous life, and everything pointed to this box.

After being calculated, they would take someone to find out the makeup box, so grandparents and their brothers were forced to leave their homes, and in less than two years, tragedy had happened one by one. My brother disappeared when he was on mission, and when he was found, he became a mutilated body.

She died last. On the day of the college entrance examination, unfortunately, she had been secretly imprisoned at that time.

She didn't know who was behind the Yun family's demise until she died.

Yunduo's eyes had been blinded before she died in her previous life. She only remembered that a female voice in her ear and asked her over and over again with the whipping of her ears.

She always thought it was the jade pendant on her neck that had been worn since she was a child.

And this jade pendant was robbed before she got the news of the murder of her family.

What's the secret of this jade pendant? She didn't know. She asked her mother. Her mother only said that it was carved by her father at her full moon. The jade was just an ordinary Hetian jade. The material is general and even has a little impurities. At first glance, it was not a valuable thing. They killed her whole family for this jade pendant? No, right?

The most valuable thing in their family is probably this dressing box, but if it was just to get this dressing box, it would be robbed by someone who came to the beginning. Why did they kill the Yun family one by one?

What's the secret in this makeup box? And Yupei, she must figure it out that she can't let the tragedy of the previous life happen again. God gave her a chance to come back, so she must protect her family.

She racked her brain and thought of a reason for a nightmare to explain that she knew about the dressing box. With her father's help, she finally got the dressing box from her mother.

The makeup box was actually hidden inside the wall. She never knew that there was such a rough dark grid in her house, but she thought so. Now cows, ghosts, snakes and gods are rampant, and their sins are the original sin. It's normal for parents to be more cautious, but they were still found in the previous life.

The Yun family's parents were ordinary middle school teachers. In his early years, Grandpa retired from his work because he was lame in injury. Grandpa Yun was from Huashi. When he was a child, he opened a hospital at home and studied some traditional Chinese medicine, so he was arranged to be the director of Huashi People's Hospital.

It's the dean, but in fact, it doesn't matter much. On the contrary, people study traditional Chinese medicine more and more carefully in old age, and he is not impatient with those trivial and intrigues, so the actual power of this hospital is actually Vice President Guo Weiguo.

Vice President Guo was tactful and extremely fond of power, but there were still principles. At first, he doubted Mr. Yun's decisive decentralization, but later, when he saw that Mr. Yun really didn't want to interfere in hospital affairs, he slowly relieved him. Without a dispute over interests, the two got along well.

The old man can stay in this position safely and not to worry about everything, thanks to Vice President Guo. Although Grandpa Yun can order traditional Chinese medicine, he is actually not proficient in it and does not seriously take care to see a doctor and save people. Not participating in any fight in the dean's position is pure pension, and the Yun family's small medical center rescued the wounded soldiers during the Anti-Japanese War. Nowadays, there is only Grandpa Yun left in the Yun family. There are no descendants of the Yun family in my hometown, and the medical center has long been gone. Yun's father Yun Changzheng teaches mathematics in the city's second middle school. The house where the Yun family lives now is a small courtyard with the address of Zengjin's medical center.

Yun's mother, Chen Hongyu, came from a small village under the flower market. Once she rushed to the market to help Grandpa Yun, she was favored by Grandpa Yun and gave it to her son. The two had a good relationship. With the help of Yun's father, Yun's mother taught herself high school knowledge, and later she was admitted to the city No. 2 Middle School as a temporary teacher. She teaches Chinese. Nowadays, my parents are alive, and three brothers, and three generations of poor farmers in the family are red.

However, no one knows that Chen Hongyu's great-grandmother was the official lady of the last dynasty, because Chen Hongyu's great-grandfather was rescued and became a farmer's wife on the way to escape from the officialdom.

Her great-grandfather rescued her under the wet nurse's body, and the sword that pierced the wet nurse's heart also pierced her shoulder. The whole motorcade was dead, including her parents and brother. This dressing box was the only thing she had kept under her body at that time. Since then, she has been the dowry of her eldest daughter. It passed down from generation to generation, leaving only words - it can't be sold.

What is the reason for such a clear family situation to be frightening? According to her mother's statement, the family was not informed until the day before the eldest daughter got married that other brothers and sisters did not know the existence of this dressing box at all. Moreover, Ding Bwang, Yunduo's mother's mother, was the only seedling, and her parents disappeared as early as the famine year. How did the person behind the scenes in his previous life know? What is the secret of the makeup box?

Yunduo was a little nervous. She wiped the sweat in her hand, picked up the small key a little shorter than the matchstick given by his mother, and reached out the small lotus-shaped copper lock hanging on the makeup box.

She never knew that the honeysuckle peanuts on her mother's neck were empty, with such a small copper key hidden in it.

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