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After parking her car, she made her way to the hospital building to check up on her friends. First stop was Kuroo and Kenma.

“Knock knock,” she said while lightly knocking on the open door, making her presence known.

“You came,” Kenma said, getting up from sitting beside Kuroo’s bed.

“That’s what she said,” (F/n) giggled before meeting him halfway, engulfing him in a hug, “how are you doing?”

Kenma breathed in shakily, “not good,”

“I’m sorry,” (F/n) frowned and rubbed his back, “do you want to talk about it?"

“Not right now,” Kenma said before turning his attention to Kuroo, who just stirred out of his sleep. His eyes adjusted to the lights of the hospital room before he looked for Kenma across the room, where he also saw (F/n).

“(F/n),” Kuroo winced at his attempt to sit up, making Kenma rush by his side to help him, “you’re okay,”

“Of course I am,” (F/n) chuckled, “you on the other hand…”

“I’ve been through worse,” Kuroo chuckled before groaning at the pain it caused, “this pain is stupid,”

“You’re telling me,” (F/n) pulled up one of the chairs and sat on the other side of his hospital bed, across from Kenma, “how are you feeling?”

“Like I got hit by a bus,” Kuroo replied.

“No shit Sherlock,” she rolled her eyes.

“I’m okay,” Kuroo answered her question, “it’s not a healthy thing to say, but it’s nothing out of the ordinary,”

“I feel you,” (F/n) agreed with him, “it’s bad to say I’ve normalized the shit we go through,”

“We all need therapy asap,” Kenma said, “I’ll pay for the bills,”

“I meannnnn,” (F/n) smiled, “if you insist,”

“Freeloader,” Kuroo muttered under his breath, but (F/n) heard it anyway.

“Says the one bitch,” (F/n) put her hand out, “don’t even,”

“You want to go there?” Kuroo playfully raised his eyebrow and smirked.

“Yeah,” (F/n) nodded, “when you’re not on your death bed,”

“Fuck you,” Kuroo scoffed.

“Love you too,” (F/n) giggled before getting up from the chair, “as much as I want to stay and torment you, I have to check up on everyone else,”

“Say hi to them for me,” Kuroo said before him and Kenma said their goodbyes to (F/n).

(F/n) left the room and went to the next floor up to visit a specific germaphobe that spealizes in cleaning up blood.

“I’m in need of a blood cleanup,” (F/n) stated as she knocked on the already open door.

“Sorry,” Sakusa was already sitting up, watching boring hospital TV, “I’m booked for the next or two,”

“Damn,” (F/n) snapped her fingers, “that’s a lot of murder scenes,”

“You’re telling me,” Sakusa watched as (F/n) sat in the chair that was placed near his bed.

“How are feeling?” she asked Sakusa.

“Could be better,” Sakusa shrugged, “but, I guess it’s nice to not be cleaning up blood for once,”

𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | 𝒐𝒊𝒌𝒂𝒘𝒂. 𝒕 |Where stories live. Discover now