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A storm was coming. A month after Della's return, and a massive El Pato was approaching Duckburg, the effects apparent with the winds blowing everything about and making standing nigh-impossible. People had been advised to stay indoors and to board up their windows, and to prepare of heavy flooding. Save for the last part, even McDuck Manor was preparing.

Dewey and Webby were stacking cans into a pile, asking a passing Louie for help to an obvious result: laughter among the three.

"Least he could do is CONSIDER helping." Rebecca says unamused as Louie heads up the stairs, finding her youngest sibling's recent behavior over the past couple of days rather suspicious.

Webby then drops one while passing it to Dewey, the can rolling away.

Beakley stops and picks up a can and looks at it. "Mr. Chunky's Extra Chunky Chili Chunks?"

"We could be stuck here for days. You said we we should get plenty of food we won't get sick of." Dewey explains, him and Webby pointing to a chili dog stand.

"I said won't get sick from, and you know it. I doubt your mother would approve of the nutritional-" Beakley is interrupted by Della eating a chili dog, disproving her point.

"What? Chilli cheese dogs put the 'hooray' in 'hooraycane party', it's no big deal!" Della defends.

"Until we're on day 8 with nothing but chili cheese dogs and we all get scurvy.... again."

"Beakley! You gotta let kids be kids, don't sweat the small stuff."

"Is this your parenting strategy or things you read off a bumper sticker?"

"Honk if you're a great mom! Honk honk!"

"Well, when Mr. Boone gets here he'll be able to make us some good meals." Rebecca says as she boards up the windows beside the front door, getting confused looks. "I offered him to stay here until the storm blows over. He'll need a safe place to stay." She clarifies. Immediately after saying that, there is a knock on the door. Rebecca opens the door, a drenched Ian rushing in and helping her close the door due to the heavy winds blowing in. Once the door is secured, Ian pulls down his hood and shakes his head dry due to the near-sideways rain.

Beakley looks at the time. "You're late."

"Sorry. After helping Dickie prepare her apartment, I had to dodge about a dozen or so fallen and falling trees on the way here, in near-null visibility, with regular debris sticking to my windshield, and there being about two inches of water in my floorboard." Ian explains as he removes his jacket, hanging it up. "But at least I am here now."

"And that is all that matters." Rebecca assures as she dries her face off, Ian having splashed her some. "Now, we need you to help secure the windows. Launchpad is doing them."

"Ugh..." Ian groans as he heads over.

Scrooge then starts to haul in a quiver filled with an assortment of canes. "We need to bring in all these valuable heirlooms from the garage before the storm hits."

"I'm sorry, 'valuable'?" Louie asks, stopping in his tracks.

"These are the famous canes of Clan McDuck, going aaall the way back to our very earliest ancestors."

"Oh.... sentimental value, yuck! Anyway, I've got important- Uuuh, stuff, to take care of... in... my room..... so... mm." Louie says before leaving.

"That boy's up to something..."

"Oh no doubt. Question is what?" Rebecca asks as she heads to the garage to help bring things in.

Then, they are interrupted by Launchpad being useless with a hammer. "Whoops." He continues to miss the nail, hitting the window frame

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