He's funny... he's blue.

Start from the beginning

Fendan leans back, arms folded across his chest. "Or nothing, tire yourself begging. My answer is no and that is where it shall remain. Now, I have a plan as to how we're going to lure Haroc here. Would you care to listen, or shall I wake your mother and ask her to send you away?"

Zafira purses her lips and flashes a pleading look to Ramet.

"Sorry Zaf, I'm outnumbered."

"Fine. I'll stay behind," Zafira grips the edge of the table with her hands, "but when it all goes wrong and you're about to die, just remember that I could have helped."

"I will be sure to keep that in my thoughts." Fendan smiles, and Zafira's pout becomes more intense. Creaks from the stairs turns Fendan's head and he smiles at Haari.

"Hello." Haari smiles back, she untucks brown hair from behind her ears, but it does little to hide her blushing cheeks.

I glance from Fendan and Haari. At their flushed faces and awkward body language. Fendan flashes both Ramet and I an expression, it says, "Shut up,". I laugh as Ramet tenses beside me, I watch her troubled face as she tries in earnest to withhold her likely brazen remarks.

Fendan's chair screeches over the wooden floor. I wince internally and Zafira plugs her ears. He stands hesitantly. His jacket smooths under his hands and he guides Haari into the kitchen. Hushed voices and stifled laughs exit and Ramet and I lean over the table to steal a better look. Fendan's head whips to us, he kicks the door shut and I silently curse our less than stealthy behaviour.

"What's with them?" Ramet laughs. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say—" she stops short as I nod my head towards Zafira, "I'd say they—"

"They shared a room last night," Zafira says, matter of fact. "At last! They've been unbearable with their subtle compliments for the past few weeks. Every time he visited, mum would get all flustered. I don't know what she thinks is going to happen, he won't stay here. But I suppose even parents need to release steam sometimes."

Ramet and I stare at Zafira.

"What?" she says, completely oblivious.

The door to the kitchen opens. Haari exits with even redder cheeks and Fendan follows. She sits and Fendan takes the chair beside her, his arm drapes over the back.

Ramet leans forward. "You lied to me and Cantral," she says seriously, "but I don't know why I'm surprised, you always have been a liar."

Fendan glares at Ramet, I know the look well, and so does Ramet, but she's always enjoyed pushing boundaries.

"You said it was the house groaning that kept you up all night—" Ramet laughs "—turns out, it was Haari."

I thought the anger had come because Fendan didn't want jokes about himself and Haari, but Fendan visibly relaxes, he shakes his head a little and laughs. He didn't care about the joke. I watch him carefully, as he kisses Haari and whispers in her ear. He believed Ramet was being serious. What was he so worried about? What is he hiding from us?

"I've talked to my Sister, sorry," Haari says, "the Queen and she's happy for us to move forwards with this plan—"

Zafira squawks loudly. "Happy!" She laughs. "She ranted for hours!"

Haari frowns, she clears her throat. "Yes, she did, but eventually she calmed, and she understands that this is the best way forward. Oneera are committed to help the downfall of the Entra Empire, and the military are on standby."

"Once we contact Haroc," Fendan starts, "I estimate that it will take only a couple of hours for him to reach us—"

"No," I say, "it took my Battle Cruiser two days to reach Oneera from Prime's location."

"Haroc has an enhanced rapid travel engine in all his ships." Fendan's fingers tap the wooden table. "It hasn't been rolled out to the rest of the Empire because he wants the advantage." The confidence in Fendan's face fades and he stares at his fingers. "Cantral," he says with hesitation, "I've given this a lot of thought and you are to be our bait."

It comes as no surprise, but my muscles still tense, and my heart beats faster.

"We have to hope that he cares more about you than himself or we are all doomed," Fendan says, and he rubs his hands together. "Okay, this needs to look convincing, who do you want to do it, me or Ramet?"

"You," I say without hesitation. "We're doing this now?"

"Everything is in place," Fendan says, "once we've contacted him and lured him to the Hareesh continent our involvement will be minimal, the military will take care of him. You won't have to kill him; we just need him out of his ship."

I follow Fendan into the garden, under a sky of brilliant blue. Dew rises as a mist and wets my boots as I walk over the grass. I kneel over delicate yellow flowers and the cold tenses my muscles. Fendan stands before me and ties his long blue hair back into a bun. This won't be the first time I've been hit by him, his rage often found me, his patience often waned.

Fendan stands before me, his fists at the ready. "Just ..." he pauses and closes his eyes a moment. Is he remembering all the times he hit me as a child? Does he feel guilt? "... keep still."

"Of course," I say.

His first fist lands in my nose. Pain explodes and black blood bursts from my nostrils. He's not going easy, but I didn't expect he would. Next is my cheek and then my chin. Rage ignites within my chest, a burning tickle. The part of me that knows this is just a pretence flees. The lines of reality and pretence have always blurred, simulation rooms, fake missions, fake people. I've grieved for the simulated people I've killed, so confused about where reality starts and fantasy ends.

I stagger from my knees and as Fendan strikes his fist towards me I catch it and punch him in the stomach. He doubles over my fist, but I don't release him. There's a voice in my head that's telling me to continue, that's egging me on to release my rage. And I have more than enough rage stored for Fendan.

"Hey, Cantral," Ramet says as she jogs towards me, her hand rests on my shoulder, "it's okay, you're okay, you're safe. We're on Oneera. Why don't you release Fendan, yeah?"

"Yeah," I whisper, and I drop his hand.

Fendan straightens with a wheeze. "That was... a really... hard punch."

I drop to the grass, pain and exhaustion. "Good," I whisper.

"The ship's ready and I've set up contact with Haroc," Ramet says, "all you need to do is press go."

Fendan nods. "Let's go then."

The speed at which this is happening jars my senses. I remain on my knees and stare into the grass, a mini forest, with mini beasts. There's a blue beetle climbing a stork and when it reaches the tip, it flies away. I wish I had wings, I wish I could fly away from this. I'm supposed to be brave, but I'm not. Every single day of my life fear has stalked beside me.

Ramet crouches before me. "Come on." She holds her hand out and I clasp it gratefully. "I love you, please don't die today."

"Do you?" I grimace, pain spreads as I move my jaw. "Still wish you didn't love me?"

"No," she says, and I don't doubt her.

Fendan waits by the ship, still nestled by the side of the stone house. He talks to Haari and holds her in a long embrace. Does he think this will be the last time he'll see her? Did he not believe the words he spoke to me?

Haari walks away as we approach and she stops before us. "Zafira asked me to give you this." She hands me an envelope. "She asked that you open it when you get to your destination. I think it's best you don't say goodbye, especially looking as you do."

I take the paper and slip it into my pocket. "Thanks for not giving up on me and giving me a chance to be better."

"I did it for Oneera, for my daughter, but you're welcome." She smiles. "Zarfia thinks highly of you, please come back." She turns quick and walks back to the house.

Fendan watches Haari go and then disappears into the ship. Ramet and I continue our approach, my legs feel like lead, my nerves are frayed at the edges. Fear strikes with every step. Our involvement will be minimal but I'm certain Haroc won't be content with that. He's going to want Fendan's blood and when he realises my part in the deceit, he'll want mine too. 

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