If I fail, you do too.

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Fear and anxiety bring upon an adrenaline induced confidence. "I'm your Captain now, you better behave."

Ramet exhales a laugh, and she tips my chin up. Her other hand loosens my hair, it falls around my face and her fingers tangle through strands of black. Blue lips meet mine with passion and fury. I should push her away, but I don't because I need her. She's my downfall, my weakness, and she knows it.

I step away and pull her with me. The backs of my legs hit the sofa, my jacket is removed swiftly by my own eager hands. Bad ideas, they're like a repeat prescription for me. I lie back on the sofa and Ramet leans over me. She kisses me again, gentler this time, but the intensity is no less.

Ramets lips pull away ever so slightly, just enough to talk. "Cantral," her voice is breathy, she doesn't want to stop, I attempt to unzip her jacket but her hand clasps over mine, "maybe I'll forgive you, maybe I won't. Don't threaten me again, it won't go well for you."

I'm locked in her gaze, words constrict around my tongue. I have no argument, no comeback but: "If you hurt me—"

"Oh, I won't touch you." Ramet grins and releases me from her hold. "I'll hurt you here." Her hand hovers over my chest, over my heart. "If you want me back—" she straightens and steps away "—and you do, you'll have to up your game, cause the usual begging isn't going to cut it this time." She strolls to the door. "See you around, Captain." And she dips her head as she exits.

I sit up on the sofa and bury my head in my hands. Captain of my own ship. I'm certain that this should be a happier day. Maybe I sabotaged it on purpose. I'm certain, I'm supposed to have authority, but I still feel like the Cantral lost in Prime, drowning in a sea of entra.

Another visitor is announced via my AI. Fendan. I cringe internally and hastily redo my hair. The jacket I was previously wearing fits snugly against my body. I stand and brush myself down. A smile plasters upon my face and I allow Fendan entry.

Fendan approaches with a genuine smile. I want to fall into his arms like I did as a child, but I resist the urge.

"An enviable apartment, and ship." He gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Haroc informed me after the ceremony, that you will be all that I have failed to be." A wry smile slips over his face. "Let's hope you do not disappoint him as much as I have."

"I'm... sorry."

He waves his hand. "It is not for you to apologise. Just know that Haroc only becomes harder to please, you must keep surpassing yourself if you desire his continued favour. I plateaued quite some time ago. Anyway, I have your brief—" he sits, and I do too "—I thought I'd talk to you about it in person."

I take the screen reluctantly and read through the mission. Haroc said I'd deliver the entra to the future, that I'd explore unchartered space, and I had hoped for a lengthy explore. But this is a world I know, Oneera, a race Haroc is apparently not desperate to conquer, maybe he's sent me here as a test. Maybe he isn't as confident in my abilities as he declared.

"He's displeased with me," I say, as I place the screen upon the sofa. "He wanted Ramet as my second, not Jaxa."

"He's always had a soft spot for Ramet, but he's not disappointed in you." Fendan leans into the corner, plush cushions envelope him and his head tilts back. "I advised him to give you Oneera."

"What?" I shout and stand but to what end I do not know. "Isn't it enough that I have to deal with Ramet undermining me? Now you? And to Haroc, no less!"

"You want to be thrown in at the deep end? You want a challenge?" Fendan's head lifts, he stares at me. "Answer me! Is that what you what?"

"Yes, of course it is," my tone relaxes but the intensity of my anger cannot be so easily subdued, I pace, dull footsteps fall over carpet. "How else am I going to show everyone that I can do this?"

Cantral The EntraOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz