8. an unfortunate encounter

Start from the beginning

"It was her!" The kid pointed one of his chubby fingers toward Cass, "She pushed me and I fell!" Cass's gaze couldn't falter from the kid. He looked familiar to the girl, but she could not put a name to the face. It was on the tip of her tongue and it bothered her that she couldn't figure out who the jerk was.

Unfortunately for Cass, while she was staring at the kid, she failed to notice a large beefy man make his way toward her. His loud footsteps caught her off guard while she was in a trance of concentration, trying to figure out who the son and mother were.

He pulled Cass up by her armpits and lifted her to face his neckless head that was covered with a thick mustache.

"How dare you push my son, you piece of filth!" That's when it hit her, these were the Dursleys. It must have been the difference in Petunia's hair. What she saw in front of her was how the books had described it, but she had been so used to how the movies portrayed the Dursley family that at first she couldn't tell that Mrs. Dursley was the mother with a blonde head of hair.

"I'm sorry sir. You see, I was going to fast and-"

"I don't want to hear your poor excuses," Cass could smell the stench of Vernon Dursley's breath as he held her close to his face. It was purple with rage and he was breathing heavily. Mr. Dursley's fingers gripped Cass's chin, leaving red marks on her cheeks, "You must apologize to my son at once!" Cass had enough of being held in Vernon's grip and decided to kick him and casually drop herself to the ground.

Cass held a defensive stance while still looking snarkily at the unpleasant man. "I would have been happy to apologize to Diddykins if you weren't such a jerk." Vernon did not look happy with Cass's attitude, reaching up to slap her across the cheek. However, the mixture of his overly large body and Cass's previous training led his arm to be blocked and he was sent to the ground. "Now I guess I have to apologize to you as well, but you've got to admit, it was mostly your fault that you ended up in this position."

Petunia tightened her grip on Dudley, afraid of what this girl would decide to do to her after seeing how she brought down her husband with such ease.

Reluctantly, in good sport, Cass offered out her hand to help Mr. Dursley up. Vernon decided he didn't like this girl and declined her offer. He practically spat at her hand, and brought himself up to his feet on his own. "Fine, do it yourself, you big walrus."

"What did you just call me?!"

"I think it's the mustache."

Vernon subconsciously tranced his fingers over his facial hair while Cathleen walked past the hulking man toward his son and wife.

"Who are you? Don't touch my Diddykins, he doesn't deserve it." Cass felt sick, looking at the family that made Harry's childhood hell. Instead of outright expressing her dislike, she held it in, wanting to make her own revenge on Harry's behalf.

While Cass walked up to the duo she caught a glimpse of the Tonks family heading down the hill, so she decided to make her conversation short.

"Relax, I'm not going to harm you without reason."

"Who are you?" Dudley's voice came out a bit raspy. He probably had been recently getting over a common cold.

"Honestly, I don't understand how that would matter to you. I bumped into you and came to apologize."

"You're American!" Petunia pointed out after hearing Cass's voice.

"And you have ears." Cass's snarky reply caused a distant look to cross the thin lady's face.

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