[ 1 ] : ❝sweet reunion❞

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〞[ meeting them after a long time ]
characters // aether, lumine﹔
genre // fluff﹔ 
tw // none .


You walk away from the group to take some fresh air and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Kamisato Estate. With your cup of hot tea in hand, you take in the night view: the sky full of stars expanding across the horizon with the gorgeous full moon dominating the dark canvas. Ayato's happy voice makes itself heard in the background, along with Thoma's laughs and Ayaka's soft mumbles, but you can't hear your boyfriend talking to them anymore. 

He's never this quiet, what's gotten into him? You think to yourself, while you raise the cup to your lips. After a solid second, Aether's strong arms slither around your waist from behind and he places his chin on your shoulder, nuzzling his face into your shoulder.

"I finally got you all alone, Y/n..." Aether mumbles against the skin of your neck, sending shivers down your spine, gentle touches warming your cold body better than the fluffy cardigan Ayaka let you borrow earlier. "I was about to go insane. Why didn't you let me kiss you earlier?"

A giggle escapes your lips, cause his breath is tickling you softly, and his arms are squeezing your body in a way that makes your heart grow with happiness.

"That's because your friends were looking at us all night, and they still are," you nod to your boyfriend's traveling companions that are happily drinking some alcohol at the table, making him pout when he realizes you're right. 

The three are watching you with amused gazes, almost like they're teasing him only with their eyes.

"They won't mind, though," he then turns you around in his embrace so he can look at your pretty smile, the one you threw at him all night, knowing how much it makes him blush.

He's so adorably in love with you, he's practically putty in your hands just by seeing your eyes sparkle with joy and a smile bloom on your kissable lips.

"They're very much aware of how much I missed you during my travels, so please..." His voice is breathy when the plea leaves his mouth. "Let me enjoy a few minutes with you," his hand grasps your wrist to pull you even closer, before taking the cup and placing it on the table outside. "Just the two of us..."

Aether pushes you backwards until you're out of his friends' watchful gazes, close to the bushes full of flowers that smell wonderful — along with the familiar scent of his that you grew to love over the years. He cups your jaw with his slim fingers, leaning in to place a soft kiss on your lips that makes your heart skip a beat.

It's short, feels like butterfly wings against your skin and the longing in your soul set ablaze every part of your body that you lost control over your actions and pulled him back in.

"I missed you so much," he whispers against your lips, eyelashes fluttering close every time your fingers brushed through his blonde hair.

"I missed you too, my love."

"Don't go home tonight, stay with me..." He kisses you again, thumb caressing your cheek gently. "I don't know when I'll get to be this close to you again."

"Of course I'll stay," you smile and he mirrors your actions with so much joy, a grin stretching on his lips as his sparkling eyes close.

Happiness looks pretty on you, Aether.

When his forehead touches yours, you just stay like this, basking in each other's presence. It feels good to be in the arms of your soulmate again.


You step carefully in the water, leaning down to take the lotus in your hands. Rotating it slowly, you decide that it is in perfect shape, glowing prettily in the rays of the sun. 

Earlier in the morning, when it was still dark outside and no soul was awake, Tighnari asked you if you could help him collect some herbs he needed because he had to go and clear a few witherings that kept appearing in the forest. Because he is one of your closest friends, you accepted, as you had nothing else to do today anyways.

These last few days were pretty boring, but you enjoyed basking in the silence of the nature, letting the sun caress your face with its warm rays and the grass touch your naked ankles on your long walks.

But today was special, it seemed like every feeling was accentuated for an unknown reason. You feel good, a happiness grows inside you, but you don't know why and your chest is heavy with a feeling that you cannot comprehend.

It's like something will happen.


That voice...you think, eyes widening in surprise.


When you turn around, you see a familiar figure running towards you. Her blonde locks sway in the air, pretty white dress dancing around her thighs with every jump as a beautiful smile blooms on her lips. 

It's like a dream became a reality, cause you can feel your girlfriend jump in your arms with so much force it made you tumble down into the river together.

"I missed you so much!" She exclaims softly in your embrace, tightening her hold around you.

She feels like dreams in your trembling hands, your heart pounding so hard inside of your chest you could hear it in your ears. The world disappears around you, and it's just you, her and the water around you turning into soft flowers that fly in the wind. You hug her right back with as much force as you could gather in your body, fingers coming through her hair as you inhale her sweet scent.

"Archons! You're here..." You mumble, pulling away to take her face in your palms, small droplets of water running down her cheeks due to the impact from earlier. "Lumine, I thought I was hallucinating for a second."

She laughs, and you swear you could die right there, because it has been too long without hearing the bell-like sound that always made your face flush and breath hitch in your throat.

"You haven't been eating poisonous mushrooms, have you? Tighnari will be mad," a giggle escapes your lips.

"I didn't, don't worry. I just missed you too much, that's all."

Lumine hums in delight, nuzzling her face into your hands as she presses kisses on both of your palms. She then nudges your nose with hers, fingers coming up to cup your face too.

"I'm so glad to see that you're okay," she whispers on your lips. "I was so afraid something happened to you when I was away..." You sigh softly, letting your hands drop on her waist that's submerged into the water.

It doesn't even feel cold at this point, the warmth that her body radiates is enough to make you forget about everything happening around you.

"Please pinch me so I can feel that you're actually here with me," you say right back, making her chuckle against you. "It still feels like a fever dream."

She doesn't do as you say. Instead, she leans in to press a gentle kiss on your lips. It's pretty and delicate, just like her, and her lips taste like berries and pure feelings of love that she so desperately wants to sing to you through her kisses.

"You're not dreaming," she says. "I'm here and I love you."

I hope you always come back to me, Lumine. You smile and she mirrors it so much more beautifully. I'll be waiting for you forever.

"I love you the most."


✎••• author's note ノ
This took me so much longer than I anticipated, I was so caught up in updating my Scara book, I totally neglected my other books I'm so sorry. I hope you enjoyed this small chapter with my favorite siblings <33 It's always such a pleasure to write about them, they're cuties. Also Paimon is not here because I didn't know how to add her, lmao, I promise to do her justice next time.
↳ reyna ♡

©2022 -higashikata. do not copy, translate or repost my work.


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