[ 3 ] : ❝goodnight kisses❞

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〞[ giving them a good night kiss ]
characters // beidou, childe﹔
genre // fluff, suggestive﹔
tw // mentions of alcohol .


It is a precious night for you. Hidden away from your other crewmates, basking in the attention of your girlfriend with only the moon as your witness. The loud music and talking of your people kept you awake, despite feeling your eyelashes flutter close every time Beidou brushed her fingers through your hair, as you rested between her legs with your cheek on her chest. It is the first time the captain chose to spend all day with you after such a long time, and even though you stayed here all day, you couldn't get enough of her presence.

"Another one, please?"

Your girlfriend laughs at your slurred question, making you pout in confusion and look at her through half-lidded eyes.

"Another drink or another kiss, sweetheart?" She smiles down at you playfully, as you bury your face deeper into her chest to hide your flushed expression. Your cheeks literally felt like they caught on fire. "Hah, you're always such a sight to see when you're flustered."

"Archons, leave me be!" You whine, slapping away the hand that tried to touch your face.

"C'mon, sweetie," Beidou giggled sweetly. "Don't hide away from me!"

You don't know if it's because of the alcohol or from the confidence that she radiated, but you felt much more flustered tonight than any other day. She just had this effect on you, cause she was always so beautiful, so mesmerizing in your eyes, it drove you insane. While the moonlight kissed her pretty skin, the gold earrings you gifted her earlier danced through her soft brown locks whenever she moved her head to follow your figure with her intense gaze.

"I want to see you," she continues in a teasing tone. "Every part of you."

You turn away from her in an attempt to hide the way your pupils dilated at her words, moving on the other side of the bed to place your empty glass on the small bedside. Feeling a bit dizzy from so much alcohol, your elbow gave up and you fell on your pillow, a soft sigh escaping your lips. Your body is slowly giving in to the exhaustion.

"Stop it," you mumble sleepily and shy away from her fingers when they pushed the hair away from your neck.

"At least let me kiss you before you fall asleep, my treasure," you raise your head unconsciously, letting her press her lips onto yours in the softest way possible and feeling her smile on your skin. 

Her hand made her way beneath your head, touching your neck with her fingers to keep you in place as she deepens the kiss.

"You're lucky I love you, otherwise you wouldn't have closed your eyes tonight."


"I thought I told you to stop wasting so much money on me," you sigh, raising your hand to touch the expensive necklace he put around your neck. The beautiful blue gemstone shimmered in the soft light of the golden lamps around Liyue.

"And I thought I told you to stop saying it's a waste. I have more money than you can imagine," your boyfriend retaliated with a soft smile on his lips, squeezing your other hand in his. "In fact, I could take you wherever you want around Teyvat and still have enough to buy the moon for you."

His words brought a comforting warmth inside your heart and made your soul grow with happiness. But even though you already knew this, you didn't fall in love with him for his money. Sure, some pampering now and then isn't bad, but lately he's been gifting you a lot of expensive stuff that you don't even wear. 

That brought you to your recent conclusion. You were conscious of the fact that he was anxious about something, but you weren't sure if he thought you'll leave him for being so busy lately that he barely even visits you anymore, or there's something else that's been bothering him. All in all, you were one hundred percent sure he was not okay.

And this could be seen from a mile away from his attempt of apologizing to you through material things.

"But I don't want the moon, my love."

"Do you like the stars more?" He asks hopefully.

"Your innocence sometimes surprises me," you admit, stopping in your tracks once you reached your home. "Baby," you take his face in both of your palms. "I don't need all of these things. I am happy if we get to walk around Liyue from time to time like this."

His bright blue eyes dropped down to your necklace, a sad expression making its way onto his pretty features. He knows. That's why you were so special for him, and that's why he doesn't want to lose you. And just like you were reading his mind, you spoke gently to him. "I know you are busy, you don't need to worry about that. I won't leave until you want me to leave."

"Then what do you want, Y/n?" He mumbles. "Lately you've been sad. I hate seeing you like that. What can I give you to make you happy?"

A giggle escapes your lips.

"I want a goodnight kiss."

"A kiss?" His ears perk up at the sound of those words. 

Such a simple action couldn't be your only wish. He could give you so many things, he had the power to do that. So why were you asking for so little?

You don't answer, you just lean up and steal a short kiss from his parted lips, making him gasp. Once he felt the electricity running through his body at the contact, he immediately sneaks his arms around your waist to pull you closer, diving in to meet your mouth in another soft kiss.

"You don't even need to ask for that next time," he smiles against your skin. "If that's all that you need to be happy, then be sure I'll smother you in kisses every day!"

He then proceeded to peck your cheeks, then your jaw, nose, and then forehead, making you giggle and laugh in the silence of the night. Your heart felt alive again, along with your thoughts who were now full of him and his adorable actions.


✎••• author's note ノ
first time writing about one of my favorite waifus ♡
↳ reyna ♡

©2022 -higashikata. do not copy, translate or repost my work.

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