Chapter Ten

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Early one morning, a few hours after sunrise, Sybille placed George in a box in the front seat of the car. And after putting Niko in the back seat, she climbed in, waved to her family, and headed north to Forfar and George's new home.


The next day, Sybille pulled into the driveway of the Levitt farm. Leo came out to meet her and opened the door for her before letting Niko out. "Well, this is a nice surprise, Mrs. Jones."

"It's not a friendly visit." After climbing out, she picked up George

Upon seeing the young babe, Leo told her. "You best come in the house; Ruth will want to know what's going on."

He closed the car door and led Sybille and Niko into the house. Upon seeing the babe in Sybille's arms, Ruth sighed. Leo pulled out a chair for Syb and she sat down. Niko laid down on the floor beside her like a good dog.

"Let me guess, that babe happens to be my grandchild?" Ruth deduced.

Sybille nodded. "Yes; Elaine got pregnant while in Calgary."

Ruth took George from Sybille's arms. "And why isn't she here?" Leo asked.

Ruth began crying. "Because she's dead, isn't that right?"

Sybille felt tears fall from her eyes, she hadn't realized she started crying. "Yes; she died in childbirth."

Leo wrapped his wife and the babe in his arms as Ruth cried. "We'll raise the baby ourselves."

"I knew you would." Sybille wiped tears from her cheeks. "You should know, however, that the father wasn't in favour of the child's birth. He may come after him."

"I got a nice collection of shotguns if he tries." Leo told her. "No one is going to hurt my grandson."

Sybille smiled at his enthusiasm. "Thank you for that." After heaving a big sigh, Sybille stood. "I believe that's my cue to leave."

"Will you come visit the baby?" Ruth asked.

"No, it'll be safer for him if I don't. After all, the father could find me first."

Ruth nodded in understanding. "Very well; may your life be filled with joy."

"Thank you." Sybille's turned to leave before turning back. "I will always keep him in my prayers." With that she and Niko left. Syb was hoping her grandfather would have just as happy a life in this timeline as he had had the first time around.


June 1925

After taking care of things in Calgary, the family bused up to Athabasca where Sybille and Niko met them. She had cleaned up and opened the house at The Farm; it was ready for them to live in again. It was now time for them to turn Alexei.


January 1926

After confirming that Alexei still wanted to become a Vampire, Tess sat with him in the small bedroom. "I'm going to ask one more time. Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?"

Alexei nodded his head. "Yes, I do."

"Are you ready?"


With a deep breath, she tried to calm her nerves as Tess had no idea if this process would work with his hemophilia. "Alright, here we go." She bit her wrist and let some of her blood fall into the waiting glass. Then, she handed it to Alexei. "It's going to be sweet, but I need you to drink it all down."

"Okay." He listened and finished the glass of blood. "Anything else?"

"One more thing." Without telling him what it was, Tess broke his neck. Then, after confirming his heart was still beating, she left the room. Over a week had gone by, and Alexei was still turning. He hadn't screamed even once. Finally, on day nine, he awoke. Tess was sitting there with him, holding one of his hands; for some reason she felt especially worried about him. When he opened his eyes, she spoke to him. "How do you feel?"

The Travellers Chronicles Book Six: To Learn The TruthWhere stories live. Discover now