helping a goddess

11 0 0

POV Aaron
Location route 203
Time Morning


Aaron: why is the first thing you do when you wake up, yell my fucking name?

Akane: I just had a wonderful full dream. and Cynthia was there

Aaron: that wasn't a dream.

Akane: does that mean I actually hugged a god and met a guy with a scythe?

Aaron: I'm not unpacking that.

Cynthia: hello Akane, glad your awake.

Akane was about to pass out again.

Aaron: if you pass out I'm gonna take away your Cynthia toothbrush.


Cynthia: wait your the one who has that? there was only one made.

Aaron: she forced me to get it for her.


Aaron: stop yelling.


Aaron looks at Akane with a deadpan look.

Cynthia: well back on track I need yall help.

Akane: help. sure anything for you. Akane says with a huge blush on her face.

Aaron: piss off. he says while walking away.

Akane: Aaron p. flame.

Aaron: (thoughts) p., not even my mom says the p.

Akane: we are going to help my one true love, the only goddess that matters, Cynthia.

I look around.

DP: what are you looking for?

chris2breezy: probably some bitches and as you can see he found none.

me: I expected Anaira to pop up and say something.

DP: she's a loser so she can't break the fourth wall.

Cain: caw caw.

DP: translation?

I snap my fingers.

me: say it again Cain

Cain: what a fucking loser.

Aaron: Understood.

Cynthia: he doesn't have to help if he doesn't want to.

Akane: he wants to. right, Aaron.

Aaron: yup I 100% want to help. He says with fear in his voice

Akane: Aaron.

Aaron: w-what do you want from me I agreed.

Akane: just making sure. she shes in her cherry voice

Aaron facepalms.

Cynthia: alright well I need you to get me five pokemon.

Akane runs over to the PC and sends out five snorlaxs

Cynthia: not what I need, but why do you have so many snorlaxs?

Aaron: those are mine.

Cynthia: why do you have so many snorlaxs?

Akane: he gained their respect by outsleeping them. she says while putting them back.


Akane: yup

Aaron: stop yelling.

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