Vampires don't get sick, except when they are infected by a certain virus that makes them weak, but nothing that a glass of fresh human blood doesn't fix.

"I smell human..." she wrinkled her nose as if it was a foul smell.

"Shelly was just here a while ago"
I quickly answered.

She nodded her head in understanding

An idea just popped into my head.

"Can you teach me a little today? I think it will make me feel much better"

She raised a curious brow at me.
"You always find a way to avoid studying, what changed?"
she smiled.

"Maybe I just miss hearing your voice"

"Okay, whenever your ready I'll be waiting downstairs"

" No, I don't have the strength to walk down, let's use Father's office"

"Okay fine, I'll go get the key"

On occasion, Miss Maggie also serves as Father's special assistant, I believe he trusts her more than anybody. So it was normal she had the key.

First phase of my plan, almost out of the way.

As soon as she walked out, I smiled to myself.

Thirty minutes later, we were seated over piles of spanish texts.
My mind was far away, I kept on staring at the big box tucked away in the corner where Father carefully placed the papers after showing them to me.
I needed to get them, as quickly as possible.
The longer I stay here, the more danger I'm in. I'm now human, and humans don't survive in a place like this.

"Cherry, are you okay. You look anxious"

"I'm fine, I just need something to drink"

"Just hold on I'll be right back, I know just what you need to feel better"

I was shocked when she stood up and left to get me a drink. I didn't know that would work.

I got up immediately wasting no time, surprisingly, the box was opened.
The gods were on my side, the paper was right on top of the box. I grabbed my pen and copied it immediately onto a piece of paper.
As I was about to close the box, a small white scroll caught my attention. I grabbed it and opened it, there was a little poem written on it...
"Out of the darkness comes light,  the light leads the saviour through the night, and illuminates the darkness that holds tight"
I've heard this somewhere...

I looked down at the scroll, there was a symbol on it. I put down the scroll and shut the box.
I turned around only to find Maggie staring at me with a glass of red drink.

My heart skipped a beat, I got very scared.

"What were you doing?"

"Nothing...I...was checking... out stuff"
I stuttered

She looked so suspicious
"I was looking for a novel to read, you know I love reading novels"
I said too quickly.

" I didn't know that..." She said slowly still looking suspiciously at me.

"Yeah, I didn't tell you? The topic never came up"

"Right..." she shook her head as if to free herself of something.
She smiled slightly and handed the drink to me.

I could smell the strong stench of blood, I felt a wave of nausea immediately.

"Common drink up"

I gave her a tight smile, held my breath and downed the glass of blood.

As soon as the liquid hit my throat, it came out almost immediately. I threw up all over the table. Red was everywhere, the books the chairs...

"Are you fine? I knew it was bad blood" she muttered under her breath.

I just nodded

"I'll get someone to clean up. Go to your room and rest up"
She said and left immediately.
I nodded again

As  I walked past the door, I grabbed the dagger Father kept in a display case. He said it was capable of killing anything.

I got to my room, picked up my bag and waited again.
Maggie, came back a few minutes later, I dismissed her, saying I was fine, that the blood just didn't taste good. She bought the excuse and left.

As soon as she left, five minutes later, I crept out of my room quietly. I walked down the stairs, thank God every where was almost empty, almost all the servants had to be at the meeting.
I walked out the back door.
I looked out, no one was there, so I began to run toward the forest.
I got to the valley where dead human bodies where dumped.
It was almost filled to the brim with corpses, some where still fresh.
I gagged.
I made to run past it, when noticed something off.
"No no no no..."
I began muttering. Praying my eyes were playing a mean joke on me.
Right on top of the pile, was Shelly.
I bursted out in tears.
I realized I had no time to waste so I ran. My heart racing widely.
When I got to the boundary that marked the end of  our land. I leaped the small fence. Without a glance behind, I kept on running.

Maggie knew I liked Shelly
Maggie killed Shelly
Maggie gave me her blood to drink
Maggie is evil
Maggie is going to die too.
But  I won't kill her, the saviour will.

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