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Apo.. A normal boy who lives with his family happily.. But....

His happiness breaks one day because his parents forced apo to marry one guy..  Just because he's rich ass man... Apo begged his parents but they didn't listen.. They both being selfish and push apo in hell...

Apo got married to that person...apo cried for some days..he feels like he's in hell.. Apo wants his old life back.. His life changed after he got married...after apo got married his parents never visited him to see apo.. He felt so alone and lonely.. And his husband he cares about apo sometimes.. But sometimes he shouted at him...apo suddenly starts hating his life... He hates his life.. He hates his husband.. He hates his parents who stops caring about him after he got married to that man

Skip to after 1½ year...

Apo felt nauseous and dizzy..he thinks he's pregnant so he went to hospital to confirm it....

Apo reached the hospital and the doc called him so he went inside and see the doc is checking some files.. Apo noticed the name tag of the doc and it's says


The doc raised his head and sees apo

Mile: Oh.. You must be apo?

Apo: Yes doc.. I'm apo

Apo says and sits down on the chair

Mile: So what's your problem apo?

Apo: Well doc... I'm feeling nauseous and dizzy and I can't eat everything

Apo says and mile understood and give him one small bottle

Mile: Here take this and passed out the urine and come back

Mile says and apo nodded and takes that bottle.. And did what mile said and apo gave the bottle to mile and mile went to lab to check it

Mile: hey p'yok.. Here check it

(Here Mile and yok are brother and sister)

Yok: Yeah.  What test?

Mile: Pregnancy test

Yok: Sure I will check and tell the result

She says and takes the bottle and checks it...

Yok: Mile here the files and the result is positive

She says ans gave the file to mile.. Mile smiled and take the file and went back to apo who is waiting patiently for the result

Mile: Well.... Congrats apo.. You're pregnant

Mile said and apo gasped and felt so damn happy

Apo: really!  OMG

Mile: Yeah apo and... Come with me.. You need check up

Mile says and apo went with him and yok told him to lay down on the bed and lift up his shirt.. Apo did what she said ..she apply the jel on apo's stomach and starts moving the thing... Apo saw one small bean on the screen ....apo felt hot tears forming in his eyes.. Mile saw apo's happy face and he smiled at him warmly

Apo: that's m-my b-baby

Mile: Yeah apo.. That small bean.. Your baby

Mile said and apo cried in happiness

Yok: Well apo.. You're one month pregnant... And from now on you only come to us for checking up every month k

Apo: Yeah sure doc

Then yok gave him some medicines and apo take them and went to his home...
Apo is kinda nervous to tell his husband that he's pregnant

One night

Apo: I wanna tell you something important

Apo/h: Yeah?

Apo: well I'm....... Pregnant

Apo said while shaking voice and his husband looks at apo shockingly and said



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