Part 9 Stupid plan

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Farah doesn't come back and I sit down on the ground. I focus on blocking my mind and soul from everyone around me. "What are you doing?" Musa asks as she sits down next to me. "Making my mind barrier stronger." I reply while keeping my eyes closed. "Is it true that you're the most powerful fairy at Alfea?" an unfamiliar voice says. I open my eyes and look up. I see a boy standing in front of me and I stand up. "I don't know, who's asking?" I reply and he laughs. "Dane, I'm a friend of Riven, we might know where he is and want to go take him back." he says excitedly. "Does Silva agree with that plan?" I ask. "I don't know we haven't asked yet." he says and I sigh sitting back down. "Go ask him and if he's in, I'm in." I say and close my eyes again. "But that's the point, Silva will definitely not agree with this plan." he says annoyed. "So then it's a stupid plan and you should wait for a better plan." I say and he scoffs. "I thought you cared about Riven." he says and he walks away. I open my eyes and get angry. I stand up and walk after him. "I do care about him. But your plan could bring him in even more danger!" I say angrily. "You know he's there because of you! He tried to save you!" Dane shouts and the whole field goes quiet. I feel my powers trumble inside but try to ignore them. I turn around, not wanting to hurt him. "Yeah, that's what I thought." Dane says and I turn back around. Silva walks my way but I ignore him and feel my powers asking for more attention. "He has a mind of its own, I didn't force him to try and protect me! And it's not my fault I have people who care about me, Dane. So stop reacting it out on me, for god's sake!" I shout at him and I feel Silva grab my arm.

"That enough, both of you!" he says angrily. "Everyone is dismissed!" he says. Knowing I'm not, I sit down on a bench and play with my rings. I see Aisha and Musa looking worried at me and give them a don't-worry-I'll-be-fine smile. "What the heck were you thinking?!" Silva says and I look up at him. "I wasn't." I say and he scoffs. "You're a smart girl, Melody. Use your brain!" Silva says and I laugh not agreeing. "Why are you laughing?" he asks still angry. "Because Dane was the one starting the conversation, he asked me to go along with the most stupid plan I've ever heard. He wanted to go behind your back and you're blaming me?! I didn't even agree with him! Then he said I didn't care about Riven and I got angry, which I think is very normal if you care about someone. He wanted me angry, Silva!" I say defending myself. He looks confused. "What was the plan?" Silva asks while sitting down next to me. "I don't know, I would never go behind your back so I didn't want to hear it." I say and he laughs a bit proud. He pets the top of my head and stands up. "I taught you well." he says as he walks away.

I walk back to my dorm when I pass Sky. "Hey Melody wait up!" he says as he runs my way. "Hey, Sky." I say as I walk slower so he can catch up. "I just want to let you know that Dane is new and he wants to show off. He asked you to help, so if it went wrong he could blame you." he says. "I know, that's why I don't hang out with a new specialist. They always want Silva's attention and think they can get that by hanging out with me." I say and he laughs. "Your clever, maybe a bit too clever." he says while softly punching me in the side. I laugh and he gets called away by a friend. I walk back to my dorm and see Terra watering the plants. "Need help?" I ask and she shakes her head. "You're not good with plants." she says and I laugh. "Facts." I say as I sit down on the couch. I read a few chapters of my book and draw a bit when I feel someone watching me. It's already getting dark and I look out the window, to see David's yellow eyes again. He tries to get into my mind but the barrier is too strong for him to break. He gets out of the bushes and walks over the training field when I see Farah walking his way.

"Shit." I whisper as I run out of the dorm and make my way outside. David's eyes glow yellow again so I don't walk further and hide behind a pillar. "What are you doing here David?" she asks ignoring his eyes. "I need to see Melody." he says looking up at the building. "Why?" she asks calmly. "That's not your concern." he answers. "She is a student, so yes that's my concern." she says while her eyes light up a bit. He walks past her but she tackles his mind, I can feel it. I grow a vine and tackle him, making him fall to the ground. He disappears as soon as he hits the ground and Farah looks up. I step away from the pillar and she looks at me. "He can't take another one of my friends, or me. Not until we know where Riven is." I say and I turn around and walk back inside. God, I hate David, I hate him so much. How could my mom love a person like that? Well, she was not the kindest person either. 

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