Part 3 Late nights

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It's getting late and everyone has gone to bed. I decide to grab a book and read outside in the moonlight, which is a vibe. I walk in the garden until I see a bench and sit down. I read a few pages when I hear something in the bushes opposite of me. I look up from my book but see nothing there, so I continue reading. "You're not scared easy are you?" I hear Riven say as he walks up to me. "True." I say finishing my page. I grab my bookmark and make space for him. "What are you doing so late outside?" he asks while sitting down. "I can ask you the same." I say while looking up at the moon. "I asked first." he says and I nod. "True, I like spending time outside in the evening, it's just peaceful." I answer. "You're not scared of monsters or men who can be total dicks?" he asks with raised eyebrows. "No, I can protect myself." I answer. "But... you have power blockers, that means you can't use your powers right?" he says while looking at my arms. "I'm not a normal fairy Riven, I'm powerful and can't control all that power, so this helps a bit." I reply as I cover up my arms. "You don't have to cover up Melody, I maybe don't know what it feels like but you don't have to be ashamed with me." he says and I give him a soft smile.

We sit in silence for a few minutes when I hear something. "What was that?" Riven says as he stands up. "I have no idea but it's probably nothing." I say as I laugh at his paranoia. "This is not nothing Melody, don't laugh." he says annoyed. "Sorry..." I say as I also stand up. I make a light with my powers and blow it toward the sound. "Nah look it's a rabbit!" I say as I walk toward it and pick it up. "You were scared of a rabbit." I say as I try not to burst out laughing. He looks at me with an annoyed face and falls back onto the bench. I burst out laughing and he laughs too. I sit down next to him and he pets the animal. "We should give it a name." Riven says and I look up at him with a surprised expression. "Sentimental much?" I say and he sighs. "No, your right, what about Snowy?" I say and he looks at me. "That's the most basic name for a white rabbit ever." he says while laughing. "Do you have something better then?" I say while also laughing. "What about Twinkle?" he says and I nod. "Sound good." I say while putting Twinkle on the ground. "Well I think it's best if I get some sleep, I need to train tomorrow." Riven says as he stands up. "Yeah, same. See you tomorrow?" I say while walking in the right direction. "Of course!" he says as he walks in a different direction.

I make my way back to my dorm. I change into my pajamas and try not to wake anyone. I fall asleep thinking about my dad for some odd reason but sleep well.

It's the next morning and I wake up from my alarm. I turn it off and open my eyes. "It's a good thing you set your alarm otherwise I would have overslept." Bloom says as she stretches herself out. I laugh "Your welcome." I say while stepping out of bed. I change into some leggings and a crop top with a vest. Bloom and I walk out of our room and I see Musa waiting for Terra. "Hey, you came back late last night." Musa says with a mocking smile. "So what if I did, that's not your concern nosy." I say and she turns red. Terra walks out all done and we walk into the dining hall. I see Riven and wave at him. I see he's holding something white and walk up to him. "I caught Twinkle again." he says with a proud smile. "Did you catch her or did she want a hug?" I say and he looks annoyed. I smile at him and take place next to him while stealing some food from his tray. Then Silva walks in and everyone goes quiet.

"Okay, today is the first day of training, Farah and I made up a new plan so listen close. We will combine a specialist with a fairy and you will train together every day, no more group training. All the names will be on the list so take a look and partner up!" he says as some people hang multiple lists on the wall. Riven gives Twinkle to me and stands up to take a look. He looks very happy to my surprise. "You never guess who I'm paired up with." he says while sitting down. "Let me guess with me." I say and he smiles. I remember what Silva said and I laugh, I look back at Silva and he smiles at me. "What's so funny?" he says as he looks confused. "Nothing, see you at training." I say as I give Twinkle to him and stand up, I walk to the table where Musa, Bloom, Terra, Aisha, and Stella are sitting and I sit down. I again steal some food and talk with the girls.

Were walking toward the training field and I walk up to Silva. He changes my power blockers to the combat version and I roll my sleeves back down. "Go kick some ass Melody."   

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