Part 6 Fuckkkk

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"Melody?" Farah says as she walks into the garden. "Oh sorry am I interrupting?" she says as she sees me and Riven talking. "No, never." I say as I stand up. "Can I talk to you for a second? In my office?" she asks and I nod. "Talk to you later." I say to Riven and he smiles. "We had a nice therapy session!" he says and I put my middle finger up. "Oi fuck off!" I say while I follow Dowling. "Melody, language!" she says. "Right sorry." I say as we pass a group that gives me a funny look.

We walk into her office and I sit down. "Silva and I got to an agreement. You're going to train a lot more, get your powers under control, and even go on missions if needed." she says and I look at her. "So no power blockers anymore?" I ask. "Yes, no power blockers." Farah says calmly. "What?! But we talked about this at the beginning of the year! I need them!" I say angry. "Melody please." she says but I continue. "No, you promised! You promised me I wouldn't lose control again! You saw what happened last time!" I say crying. I stand up and storm out of the room. I walk out of the building and start running. I pass the barrier and keep running. "Fuckkkkk." I whisper as I feel my powers. I stop running and feel my fire powers running through my body. I scream in pain as it bursts out of my body. The trees catch fire and I look around. "Oh shit." I whisper as I try to call my waterpowers. "Come on where are you when I need you." I whisper the fire starts spreading. I try it again but it doesn't work.

Then the powers die out with a big wave of water. "What?" I say confused. "Looked like you weren't in control." Aisha says as she steps out behind a tree. "Oh, thanks Aisha you're a lifesaver." I say as I shake my hands. "What happened?" she says as she looks worried. "I'm not getting new power blockers, and I got scared and angry." I say as I sit against a tree that isn't burned. "So when your angry, you call up the fire?" she asks and I nod. "When I'm sad it's water, happy means air, when I like someone or something it's earth, when I'm scared or seek revenge then I can also control shadows and the dark and I can already control my light powers." I say and Aisha looks surprised. "You are so powerful!" she says and I chuckle. "If I could control it then yes, now I'm just a loser." I say and she looks at me. "No, don't say that! You're not a loser, you've just been taught to hide your powers and not practice with them." she says calmly. "Yeah if you put it like that." I say and she laughs. "Come on we should go back." she says as she helps me up. We walk back and I see Riven looking confused as I pass the barrier. "I'll first talk to him." I say as I look at Riven. "Yeah whatever lovebirds." she says with a teasing smile. I mouth fuck you to her and turn around.

"What were you doing outside the barrier?" he asks worriedly. "it's dangerous out there." he says. "It's even more dangerous when I'm out there." I say and he looks at me. "I was practicing and lost control, it's better to have that out there than in here." I say and he nods. "So I guess no new power blockers then?" he says and I nod. "I need to train more and maybe even go on missions when I control my powers." I say. "Yeah no way you're not going on missions that's way too dangerous." he says stubbornly and I laugh. "When I control my powers, then they should be scared of me." I say and he looks at me. "Love your confidence." he says with a smile. "Your mean!" I say as I push him into a bush. I hear someone laugh and turn around. "Hey, Sky." I say and Riven crawls out of the bush. "Did she catch you by surprise mate?" Sky says and Riven mocks him. I laugh and Riven looks at me. "Come here you little shit." he says as he starts walking my way, I giggle and run away. "Come here!" he says and I laugh, he chases me around the field. He catches me and throws me over his shoulder. "No! Let me go!" I say while laughing my ass off. "No, I caught you, now your mine." he say while also laughing. He walks us over to his dorm and drops me on his bed. "You still have a twig in your hair." I say while getting it out of his hair. He looks at me and I look at him.

"What?" I ask. "Has anybody ever told you how hot you are from this angle?" he says and I giggle. "Really?" I say and he nods, "Very." he says insisting. He looks at me and I bite my lip. "Your very hot at I think every angle." he says as he leans closer to my face. As he leans in to kiss me my phone starts ringing. "Shit, this totally ruins the moment." I say as I look who it is. It's Dowling. "I really have to get this, fuck, I'm so sorry." I say as I stand up and pick up. "Melody, I'm sorry for earlier." she says. "No, it wasn't you, I overreacted, I'm sorry your solution was and still is good." I say. "Right, I say we finish the week with your normal timetable, and then on Sunday you will get a new one is that okay?" she asks. "Yeah perfect." I say as I look at Riven. "Good, well I let you be. Bye." she says and hangs up. I lay my phone back on the nightstand and look at him. "Well, this is awkward." I say but he stands up. "It doesn't have to be." he says as he leans in. He pushes me against the wall and the one thing that slips through my mind is "Let the action begin." 

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