Chapter 10: Interlude

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A/N: An interlude filled with Erlu/Heartlet moments to balance out the seriousness and fast pace of the main plot.


Everything was foggy when Erza came to. The first thing that registered inside her brain was someone calling for her rather loudly. The second thing, two people jumped at her before she could even comprehend what was happening or put up her defense.

Bisca and Alzack. But what were they doing here on Tenrou Island? And why did they look so much older since the last time she saw them just a few days ago?

It was the first time Erza had the honor of meeting the first Master of Fairy Tail, Mavis Vermillion. The first Master explained to them she had helped them survive Acnologia's attack by converting their bond and mutual trust everyone shared into magic power. Their feelings activated Fairy Sphere, one of the Three Great Fairy Magics, and this absolute defense spell protected the guild from all manners of evil, including Acnologia.

But everyone remained frozen inside the Sphere, and it took seven years for the seal to lift. Everyone on Tenrou Island was static all those years, while time passed by normally for their friends and the rest of the world.

Jet and Droy busted out into tears at the sight of Levy, safe and sound, claiming they had thought she would never come back. That everyone had thought she was dead, along with all Tenrou Island guild members. Seven years was a long time, Erza couldn't even begin to fathom the grief and despair their friends must feel, to give up all hope and belief after endless searching had yielded no results, no indicator that Tenrou Island still even existed in the world.

Max and Warren briefly explained to them the situation during these seven years. Apparently, after the Tenrou group's disappearance, Fairy Tail lost most of its powerful members and hence its reputation in the magical world. A new magic guild had taken root in Magnolia, the Twilight Orge, and rose in popularity to become the representative of the city.

Twilight Orge was no good, and their group returned to the main guild hall just in time to knock a bunch of those scumbags out for bullying their current members.

Everyone looked so much different, especially Romeo who had grown up to be roughly Wendy's age now. Macao was the fourth Master after Makarov, having stepped up to take the reign in the time of crisis. Erza respected him for that.

Lamia Scale crashed their welcome back party just a few minutes later, offering their congratulations and information about current events in the magic world. Both Lamia Scale and Blue Pegasus had joined in the search for Tenrou Island all these years, never given up on the slim thread of hope that their members were still alive. During their absence, Lamia Scale had climbed up the rank to become Fiore's number two guild, but the number one spot was taken by an unfamiliar guild with the name of Sabertooth.

But all of that could wait, they had time to figure out the details and strategy later. It was time to celebrate a reunion among friends, Fairy Tail style.

The biggest shock came in the form of Alzack and Bisca, having been married for six years already. She still remembered the two of them, all awkward and shy around each other, couldn't even meet the other's eyes without turning into a blushing mess despite the clear attraction from both sides.

Bisca was the one who proposed, six years ago, and now they had a wonderful daughter together, Asuka. Erza couldn't wait to meet the adorable girl soon.

Marriage, huh. Speaking of relationships, she did promise something to herself if they ever got through Acnologia alive, didn't she?

Her eyes easily found Lucy's form amidst the crowd of people around them, the blonde was leaning on the bar with a contented expression on her face. Alone, without Natsu or Plue for once, and Erza set out to seize the rare moment.

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