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Ao Bing x Gender Neutral!Reader
Warnings: Adult Language, altered storyline (just a few vague ones for the sake of this scenario)

You walked down the glassy hallway in your formal wear. You could see your own clear reflection as your shoes clasped down in clicking sounds and you approached the large exquisite doors that lead to none other than Ao Bing's private chambers.

No one was allowed to enter here. No one that the young master didn't permit, that is. You were one of the few lucky ones that didn't need any particular reason to enter. You had the privilege regardless, and it was all because you won his favor when he battled the current reincarnation of Nezha. You still had the scars from when you saved his live that one fateful night, but they were properly taken care of as courtesy of the third prince, which was only the start of him repaying his "debt."

Snapping your head up, you shook your mind off the topic and turned your attention to the now opening doors that you were still nearing. Now outside of them, the doctor in charge of his checkups exited out with a heavy sigh as her demeanor seemed disheveled. At the sight of you, her eyes lit up and her entire posture slackened in relaxation. You "hmphed" in humorous amusement at this as you finally stopped in front of her.

"That bad, huh?" You asked, though you had no idea what you were referring to yet. You were about to find out.

"He's losing it in there, Y/N," she began, eager to receive your help, "He won't let anyone touch him! I don't know what happened to him this time, but he's never been this irked before!"

Your small smile disappeared gradually as she continued to talk. He wasn't the most emotionally mature person you've met, but you haven't heard Ao Bing pull anything to this extent before. He was always cool and collected. Perhaps having your spine examined by a bunch of health professionals can set off even him. You wouldn't blame him for being protective of the only thing that was practically holding him together.

"Is that why I was called here? I thought his guards had it under control."

"You don't understand, Y/N," she said, "Not even his bodyguards can get him to calm down. He said he'll refuse to let anyone touch him until someone calls you in here."

At this, your eyebrows rose.

"I..." you blinked and tilted your head in confusion, "I don't think I heard that right."

"No, you heard correctly, Y/N," the doctor assured, "Mr. De's restless behavior seems to stem from the absence of your presence. Perhaps if you accompany me back to him, he'll have a change in attitude."

You remained frozen in your place, and it was not because of the temperature coming from the Antarctic he called his bedchamber. You couldn't wrap your head around any reason why Ao Bing would want you in exchange for calming down, or why he'd get this annoyed in the first place. You thought he liked keeping these types of matters private, where no one would bother him, and there didn't seem to be anyone he trusted enough to take with him when his monthly checkups came around the corner.

But if you were to think about it, you did save his life. As someone who did, you shouldn't be surprised to see him adamant towards anyone else.

Letting out another sigh, you nodded your head as you allowed the doctor to beckon you after her.

You followed her past the doors, closing them behind you and trekked towards the icy interior. This man was always one for dramatics.

You tried not to scoff as you approached a puddle of melted ice, which seemed to be the remnants of a drinking glass that broke at the impact of being thrown to the ground near the stool of alcohol. You pursed your lips at this, the action only deepening as the sound of shouts became audible.

Ao Bing x Reader OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora