Bickel -SMUT

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you've seen the title, it's gonna be a smut. This is my first time(sorta and that's what she said) writing a smut, so I won't be the best writer ever on this part. Ok yeah, this is awkward... onto the Story. baseballsbook
Nickel's pov

Baseball and me have been friends for a long long time, it's honestly surprising. Though, he never leaves my side, at least not after the elimination. " I bet he was devastated without me." I mumble to myself, " he can't last that long, not without me." I continue. I start to head over to Baseball's room, we were going to hang out for the day since Oj and half of the other people who didn't cause him problems went on a camping trip. He wasn't going to be at the hotel for at least 9 days; we could do whatever we wanted, although that wasn't confirmed by him.. I make it to Baseball's room and kick the door to knock, I hear Baseball fumbling with the doorknob on the other side and I let out a laugh. Baseball finally opens the doors and looks at me up and down, his white face was nearly Apple's color!
"Dude, you look like a tomato, what's wrong with you?" I ask, disregarding the fact that he never even said hi.
"Nothing." He quickly responded, still looking flushed.
I walk into the room and Baseball follows soon after, he locked the door for whatever reason but I couldn't care less, we're buds after all. Baseball walks past me and sits down in a crossed position, again, he still looks like a tomato. I sigh and roll my eyes at him keeping secrets, I end up walking to turn the tv on so we could do something at least.

Nobody's pov

Nickel walks to the tv and turns it on, he speed walks back to his spot so it would still be warm.
"Look-" Baseball tries to speak but gets cut off by Nickel, "Are we gonna do anything interesting dude? I came here to hang out, not sit down and not speak at all." Nickel complains. Baseball sighs and shakes his head, trying to make his face less hot and red. "Is it okay if I do something, Nickel?" Baseball asks, "Sure, do whatever to make this more interesting." Nickel answers. Baseball soon leaned in for a kiss, which surprised Nickel but he soon fell into it. Nickel took a few seconds to gather what was happening but soon pushed away, "You do know I'm the top here, right?" Nickel said. Nickel pushed Baseball to his knees, Nickel then fumbled with his pants until he got them off. Baseball groaned while taking his off too, he had wanted this for years and he was finally getting it, he needed it. Both of them were soon sitting there without the bottom half of their clothes, Nickel broke the silence. " Praise or degrade?" He asked, "Degrade.." Baseball responded happily. Nickel pins Baseball down, looking at him up and down like he was a prized possession. Nickel stuck his fingers out, "Suck on these,whore." Baseball was surprised but the sudden name calling but went with it; he put his mouth on Nickel's fingers. Nickel but his lip, refusing to let any sound come out. Nickel yanked his fingers out of Baseball's mouth, letting a string of saliva be the only thing to connect his fingers and Baseball's mouth. He then signaled for Baseball to turn over, wanting to prepare him. Baseball did as he was told, he flinched when Nickel shoved his fingers in his rear. Baseball let out a discomforted groan, soon getting used to it he started feeling pleasure. Baseball moaned, Nickel smirked while pumping his fingers into Baseball faster. "N-NICKEL!FASTER!!~" Baseball felt tears prick in his eyes from the overwhelming euphoria coming over him. Suddenly, Nickel pulled his fingers out. Baseball whimpered at the newly found empty feeling. Nickel was eager to hear Baseball moaning his name more, his member was already out and hardened, and so was Baseball's. "I'll be a bottom since I'd probably hurt you with my..yeah.." Baseball stated, Nickel rolled his eyes but had an idea. He grabbed Baseball by the head and shoved his member down his throat, Baseball gagged at first but got used to the feeling. Nickel bobbed Baseball's head up and down, with the help of Baseball himself as well. "Shit you're good.." Nickel covered his mouth with his free hand, not wanting any unwanted moans to come out. Nickel was getting close, wanting to hurry and get this over with so they won't get caught, he gripped Baseball's head again and shoved him further down. "Mngh!" Baseball choked. That was the last slice of cake for Nickel, as he came in Baseball's mouth. Baseball pulled his head up, gasping for air as he swallowed every last bit. "Next time try not to show that you want me, little bitch." Nickel bellowed at Baseball, who was sitting there processing the fact he just fucked his friend for the first time.

They both soon heard a knock at the door, Nickel being the one to get up and answer. It was Trophy. " Damn, you guys need to keep it down. I know the rooms are somewhat sound proof but the doors aren't." Trophy hissed, taking a peek at Baseball who was still in complete awe. Trophy sighed loudly before walking away, Nickel stood there embarrassed.

Yayy I finished This. Sorry if it took a minute, I was stressin about my grades; they went down and I'm nearly failing math class. Hope you liked it! :sobbing:

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