{{Chapter 20: Just Talking}}

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"Azazel. . ."
"You sure it's the section of the book?"
Cuphead shrugged, Mugman flipped through the book Forkington gave them and looked for anything on the Calix Animi.
"Hey, look!"
Cuphead pointed to the picture,"That's the spear!", Mugman nods, he looked at the passage,"So the spears are based off the soul and ranks of the the Calix Animi.", Cuphead reached over to the spear he had,"Is there a picture of this type of spear?", "No, unfortunately not.", Cuphead sighed, putting the spear back down at the foot of his bed.
"Guess we still have nothing, all we can do is just hope that Azazel guy doesn't come and try to kill me and take both of our souls.",
"Wait, Cuphead. There is something we can do."
Cuphead turned to him,"Hm?", "The nightmares.", Cuphead froze, he gulped and turned to Mugman,"Uh. . . Right; Nightmares. . .", Mugman took his hand, Cuphead was surprised at how cold his hand was so guessed even souls are like ghosts which were also cold entities,"What's happening, Cup. Last night you looked uncomfortable in your sleep and distressed. What's going on?", Cuphead gulped,"Uhm. . .  Well, the uh nightmares are. . . I didn't get the chance to tell you before but. . . My nightmares are about Chalice.", Mugman was shocked,"Chalice?", Cup nods,"Yeah. . . My last dream. . . Or nightmare of her, I saw. . . I saw souls or ghosts ripping her apart. . .", Mugman was disturbed to say the least, that isn't a regular nightmare Cup would have even as a child even though Kettle never told Mugman what Cuphead's nightmares were about he knew it was probably enough to keep Cuphead up for days.
"It's okay Cuphead. . . Tell me everything."
So Cuphead spilled everything.


Gabriel banged on the mirror glass, there wa no chance that he was getting out of this but he had to try until his brother eventually came to his aid!
Devil had been smart and covered the mirror with a sheet so Gabriel couldn't see but only hear but he did his best to listen in.
. . .
Maybe. . .?


"Ha! The Devil still isn't smart enough to out smart me."
He could just travel to different mirrors around the Casino!
And he found where the Cup Brothers.
"I keep seeing her in my nightmares Mug. . . I can't-Am I just going insane or-?", Mugman despite only being a soul did his best to comfort his younger brother,"It's okay, you're not going insane Cupy as dreams have meaning to them and I'm sure there's a reason Chalice is in your dreams."
How interesting.
Looking around the room he noticed the spear on the bed, so that's where that old thing's been this whole time.
. . .
Good to know.

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