Chapter 5

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They arrived by taxi at Hope Johnson's residence, after 25 minutes of travel they got out of the taxi, covering themselves from the incipient rain with the case notes, they reached the porch where they managed to cover themselves a little more, moving away from the roof leaks.

-Shit we couldn't have chosen another day to go outside- while Carter searched in the backpack for the key they had taken from the evidence box to be able to enter the home, Aeryne walked dodging the puddles on the porch, strolling along the edge of the house, looking at the pots with drawings of butterflies and well-kept flowers in the window frames, some yellow, others pink, she did not know their names but they were beautiful, while she was trying to see the state of the house, a figure appeared in the window, the cadet jump backwards which caused her to trip over a pot of gardenias that ended up destroyed. The noise alarmed the figure, she began to run upstairs hiding from the gaze of others.

-Dylan!- She returned her steps running to where her partner was already breaking the security seal to enter the place and snatched the key from him, opening the door in a hurry.

-What's wrong Aeryne?- She pushed hard on the door trying to break into the house.

-There's someone inside- she pushes again until it gives way to the brute force Aeryne hadn't been aware of until that moment. Footsteps were heard on the first floor, the pair ran up stairs.

-Stop! Police- Carter yelled with the last of his breath going up the last few steps of the stairs with the brunette following in her footsteps like a shadow. Silence was present. Wolf was able to make out the layout of the rooms in the darkness of the house, a room at the foot of the stairs with a dark door and solid wood, to the left what could be deduced as an office by the furniture that was barely visible from the open door , to the right along the corridor two more rooms, one to the right and the other to the left, the one on the left which, due to the space it occupied, could be deduced that it was the bathroom.

He went up with the last steps of the stairs creaking with the humidity of the day.

The sepulchral silence that had formed was only broken by the roar of thunder outside the crime scene, which by the rattling on the windows, realized that the storm had begun to be torrential. The opening of the bathroom door distracted the 20-year-old from her thoughts-... whoever it is, policeman, come out with your hands high- they walked towards the bathroom door.

Suddenly, without letting the pair of beginners realize what they were seeing, a short blond-haired presence fired at them. It took less than a second for the brunette to react, grab Dylan by the neck and push him towards the room where she had seen the office, two more shots were heard, one o them hit the door of the room, the pair managed to take refuge behind the desk, Aeryne with matted hair, her T-shirt stained with blood and Dylan hugging his backpack with the graze of a bleeding injury on his left side.

-Dylan... fuck!...your arm- her partner settled down to see the wound better, the light of a ray illuminated the room allowing the torn and blood-soaked Carter shirt to be seen hanging on the side of the arm, Aeryne finished tearing the garment and began to clean the blood to allow her check the wound, which was not very deep but which was undoubtedly very itchy according to what the moans of his partner implied. They listen to some footsteps come and go outside the room, the rain hit the windows violently while all that was happening.

Aeryne was afraid, she couldn't deny it, despite having knowledge of firearms no one had ever shot at her, much less to kill, she felt how her hands were sweating strongly despite the cold environment. Before doing anything she had to stop for a few seconds, take a deep breath and calm the beating of her heart that seemed to want to run wild put of her her rib cage that hurt from the blows they had given her the day before. How far away all that felt, however, not even 24 hours had passed since the event itself.

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